Challengers Friday 7/14


Good Morning Challengers!:)

Sunny, I am ending the Challenge for myself on the 20th as that is how I counted it. I think Jean was going to call today her final day.

I am planning an elliptical work out at the gym this morning plus the abs that I never got around to doing yesterday.

Have a great Friday Ladies!:+
I slept in this morning and havent decided yet whether to do tomorrows 5k. I am worried about the humidity. my brother says, just run slower but I told him if I cant do my best that bothers me. If I dont decide to do the 5k I will do a total body workout but If I do decide to run it tomorrow then today will be a rest day.

kohls has alot of nice stuff on sale this week, I bought a cute pair of capris and I dont really like capris on me. I have gotten alot of my workout clothes there when they have sales.

talk with everyone later!
Hello all. Well if I end today, I get to report a big whopping 1 pound loss. Obviously, I am continuing my journey. I think I will do something similar to Kathy and post my stats once a week. Maybe that will make me more accoutable. I did loose 4 pounds during the challenge, but gained back 3 in the last few weeks. Car situation should be resolved this weekend so that will be 1 less stress point in my life.

So are we changing the name? If so what's it going to be? Challenge For Life. Challenge Yourself. Shrinking Violets (when we're not shrinking we can say we are blossoming.LOL) Or does anyone else have a suggestions. Right now I kind of feel fitness challenged instead of challenging fitness, but I'll get back on track.

This morning was interval sprints. Has anyone done these on a regular basis to improve speed? If so how many times a week did you do it and did it work? I felt like I would die. Since my HR monitor broke and has been sent out for repairs I have no idea how high it got my heart rate. Yesterday morning I did some while out on my jog/walk. I know it really got the circulation going, because it made my inner thighs itch. I have that happen when I start a new hard cardio activity or when it's cold outside.

I need to go back and read yesterday's posts. I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend.

Good morning Violet Challengers!

Wendy-have fun at the gym. Make sure you get those abs in today girl!

Laura- did you decide on the run yet? I know what you mean about not doing our best and hating that. When I have to modify workouts it bothers me. But we have to listen to our bodies and do what's best.

Jean- I'll post weekly too. That WILL make us more accountable. I think I'm going to post on Fridays. Hey 1 lb is better than nothing! I just got back on track this week and after a week of eating cleaner and no CRAP, I feel better already.

Well I'm doing the SB/RS challenges and Coremax seg. 1. We have a suprise BD party tonight, and my family reunion tomorrow, so that will kill the clean eating, but I'll still workout so no biggie. I'll try to keep it as clean as I can.

Hope everyone is having a good Friday so far!

Hello to everyone else who checks in!

Hi Challengers!

Since I'm somewhat of a visitor in this thread, I'll go along with any thread title! I love reading all your workouts and tid bits about your lives. I'm off to our family summer home on the lake in Maine.

Workout 2- supersets, 3 times each, 60 sec rest between

Deadlift- 35lbs x 20
DB Military Press- 12/12 x 20

Bulgarian Spli Squats- 4/4lbs x 20each
DB Pullovers- 10/10lbs x 20

Hip Thigh Ext- 20 each
Prone Jacknife- 15

Prone Cobra- 60 secs

HR= 104/124
Kcal= 295

It's true! These workouts are absolutely grueling and humbling. My body has simply never been challenged like this before.

Away for the weekend. Plans for a relaxing 4 mile hill run Saturday and Sunday. Mental preparation for week #2 of Afterburn. Enjoy your weekends gang!
Hey there Violets!;-)

No time for personals...just checkin' in with my work out!

Elliptical: 3 miles in 28.4 mins :+

Off to the showers!
Good afternoon Ladies!

How is everyone doing?

Just got done with my workouts. WOO HOO! That was a good one.
I like doing the challenges together like that.

Had a turkey sandwich on ww bread so far. Think I might only have some cottage cheese and celery for a snack later since God only knows what I'll be eating tonight. It ain't just gonna be salad I'll tell ya! LOL!

I'm so glad I started checking in with you guys and getting back into my routine and clean eating. I feel soooo much better about myself.

I'm so grateful too that DH couldn't go away with all that's going on over there right now. With the way his bloodwork came back the other day and how our DR said it's not really that bad definatley makes me feel that this happened for a reason that he got red flagged and can't go. Weird huh?

Anyway, we're off to the pool. Talk to you guys later.


Have fun at the pool and have a fab time at the reunion! Forget the clean eating tonight! I know I am! DH and I are off to a party ourselves!}(

Great workout! My memory is not good enough to do the challenges alone cause I never remember the whole routine well enough and end up making waaay too many mistakes that way!LOL

Okay, gotta go get the lil' dude up for lunch and then it's off to MIL's house!

Catch ya later!
hello challengers...

we could just stick to the name challengers, even though it will no longer be considered a "challenge" so to speak.

XS-doesn't matter how long you've been here. you have a vote! LOL

arghhhh, today no workout. too much home stuff to do this morning. just don't have the energy to do it late at night.

Kali- you are on a roll now:D

jean-i am with you. i lost 5 lbs throughout this challenge and gained back 4 within the last few weeks.

welcome laura!

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