cellulite cure


Has anyone bought this book?If so did any of the techniques work.?Just curious, I saw it on the meltdown challenge web site. I still have a little stubborn cellulite around the sides of my butt/thigh area and even with all the running ,lunging , side series ex with pilates it is still there. It has gotten better though. so I was just wondering, I know creams and that dont work. Plan old tough exercises are usually what you see works. anyway, any one have it please share your thoughts.

I haven't bought the book because I do not believe cellulite is something that can be cured.

Although you touched on all the things you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulite as far as exercise, you didn't mention clean eating and lots and lots of water. From all the reading I've done on the cellulite subject, which is a lot, what you take in your body for nutrition is key.
No matter how hard you work, you may still have some lingering - it's just the genetic cards you're dealt. No the end of the world, and I would not bother with the book. Diet and exercise are the best "cures."

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I wont buy the book, just was curious if anybody did. Definately eating is important and usually is my biggest obstacle since exercise isnt a problem for me. thanks ladies for your input!!!
I've purchased two other books from Karen S. and they are VERY good. Maybe she has some information that may help. I've heard celulite is more a skin condition than a fat *problem*. I heard it from a dermatologist.
Actually, I also admire Karen and see her as an expert. I also know she makes most of her living from her internet business so I take that into consideration.

It is true that cellulite is skin related but it's also genetic.

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