Cathe's gestation rotation?


Hello! I'm a devoted Cathe fan, and intending to have a second baby in the very near future. Has Cathe ever talked about how she worked out while pregnant? I'm interested in her overall experience, and then specifically about how she modified her workouts to accommodate the pregnancy and all its travails. I've been through one pregnancy, three years ago, and am now very aware of how it can make life really, really difficult. I'm trying to prepare myself, both mentally and physically, for what's to come! Bravo to all of you pregnant women who are managing to continue some kind of fitness regime!

Sandra, I believe that Cathe has said that if she worries about getting pregnant and watches what she does that she doesnt tend to get pregnant, so she just lives life like nothing is going on. then when she gets pregnant she continues her routine, just listens to her body and slows down shen she needs to and lowers the weights when her body starts to make funny noises.:) I know that there is a post here in this forum from some time ago, and if you do a search for pregnancy you may find it. I'm sorry that I'm of not that much help, but maybe you can find it that way.
Good luck!

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