Cathe Step advice


I'm interested in purchasing either IMAX & C&W, SJP & SB or CK & CM. I would like to know which one is easier to learn?

As far as which has the least amount of complicated choreography, I would say Cardio Kicks, if that is what CK stands for. Others may have differing opinions. Hope this helps!

I would definitely go with IMAX and C&W. IMAX is a great tough workout and the choreography is pretty basic. C&W is one of my favorite workouts from Cathe. For me all of the step patterns are lots of fun and I really like the music too. With both I feel I get a really great workout without standing there staring at the tv lost. For the longest time I hesitated to try Cathe tapes because everyone said they were so hard to learn. Thank goodness I finally bought her tapes! They weren't nearly as hard to learn as I had built them up to be.:)
I think the easiest to learn is CK/CM, but Imax is not very difficult to learn either. CW is tougher choreography, but pretty easy to do, so you aren't struggling to breathe and do the choreography at the same time.
I think your best bet would be Imax & C&W. Imax 2 is more simple step wise but very intense when it comes to the blast. When I first did this I had to put it away for awhile because all i did was step and doing this just took my breath away but I work my way up and now can do the whole thing with just modifying 1 or 2 blast.

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