Cathe in Fit Magazine

Hi all-
I just picked up the July issue of "Fit" magazine and was delighted to find a short feature on Cathe.

The writer did a Q&A with Cathe via e-mail. They discuss the popularity and benefits of Step, the importance of "listening to your body," and Cathe's recommendations for creating a home workout space (equipment, etc). Cathe also answered a question about her personal workout program and nutrition habits. She response was very in line with how she answers that popular question here on the forums. Her class schedule (5 classes/week) maintains her general fitness level and when she wants to kick it up a notch, she does additional weight training 3-4 times a week. Her diet focuses on well-balanced meals, cutting back on starches, fats and simple carbs. Oh, and drinking lots of water and sleeping well.

The information is really nothing new to regular forum readers/participants, but it was neat to read Cathe's insights in another medium. The writer commented that seeing Cathe on FitTV sparked the idea for the piece.

The article is formatted a little strangely and not easy to spot in the magazine (also not mentioned in the table of contents) picture of Cathe (bummer) and no headline to indicate the topic. You'll find it in the 'Fitness News' section on page 13.

Enjoy the day!
Thanks for sharing. It's nice to see Cathe getting some more media attention for what she does(Although we ALL know she should be the cover story). :):):)

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