cardio v.s weights


Good Morning Everyone,
I know that this question has been asked a million times but who does more weights then cardio? I am thinking of cutting back on my cardio and concentrating more on weights. I have been a cardio junkie for so long and I haven't seen any changes in my body for a time.
The other question I have is what kind of rotation would you use? Do you just do lower then upper, or do you break the upper body into to seperate workouts?
Thanks for the help,
When I used to work out in a weight room in grad school, I did no extra cardio other than using walking and biking as transportation, and an occasional half-hearted effort at doing some cardio warm-up, and I got in good shape.

Recently, I've been doing P90X, which is heavy on strength training and less focused on cardio. I like the way it's set up. You could use it as a template for your own "low-card";-) rotation:

Day 1: 1/2 upper body (either chest/back or chest/shoulders/triceps) and abs
day 2: plyometric "cardio"
day 3: second 1/2 upper body (either shoulders and arms or back/biceps) and abs
day 4: yoga (strength, balance, flexibility)
day 5:legs
day 6: cardio (Kenpo, which is a type of kickboxing)
day 7: rest or stretch
There are only 2 actual cardio workouts in the week, but there is a definite cardio effect from the lack of rest periods between many strength training exercises.

I've definitely seen positive changes in my body. This builds up the muscle (but doesn't make me into a "hulkette". I Am thinking of getting into a more cardio-intensive rotation after 90 days with P90X, to work off some of the extraneous adipose tissue that's still hanging on, covering up my new muscles.
Hi Lori!

I do both cardio and weights.

When weight-training, I like to separate upper and lower body. I dislike full body workouts because when my legs are tired, my whole body is tired. Tapes like PowerHour are my nemesis since they are both full body and endurance. Endurance (more than 16 reps) is really hard on my joints and hands and in my opinion, do me more damage than good. Turning 50 in October doesn't help.

I usually work out twice per day. Mornings Cathe, noons at the gym. (Gotta have something to do on my lunch-hour!)

I work on my upper body parts (arms) twice per week. One full upper with Cathe (MIS, PS, Pyamids) on Monday morning before work. A 45-minute step class at my gym at noon. Tuesday mornings, cardio or circuit with Cathe, legs at the gym (I prefer leg machines to free weights plus the gym features a great squat rack that's attached to a rail so I don't have to lift a heavy BB over my head to do heavy lifting). Wednesday mornings, either Cathe cardio/circuit or take the morning off and do chest and back at the gym (mostly machines). Thursday morning Cathe cardio or circuit and then legs again at the gym. Friday morning cardio or weights. If I do weights it's shoulders, bi's and tri's. Then I take the 45-minute step class at gym at noon. If I don't do weights in the mornings with Cathe, I do her cardio and do free weights at my old gym. (I hate the type of free weights at my new gym and I don't like using weight machines for shoulders, tri's and bi's). I go to my old gym for free weights.

I thoroughly believe that weight-training is the best way to make significant changes to your body. My upper body (arms, shoulders) are now pure muscle and I love it! My lower body will never be what I want it to be no matter how much I work at it -- that pesky thing call "genetics" -- but my legs are very strong. Which helps me with the cardio.

Gotta run to catch my streetcar! Have a nice evening!

Patrica from Toronto, Ontario
Hi Patricia,
It shouldn't bother you to turn 50. Your workout schedule is more than most 25 year old women could handle. You should be very proud of yourself! You know age truly is just a number when your as physically fit as you are!!
Thanks, Mic!

Ya know what? I'm really proud to be turning 50! If someone asks my age I'm happy to tell them.

At my gym step class, girls half my age are huffin' and puffin' and doing the moves half-heartedly. And on a six-inch step! Me, I'm a-whooping and a-howlin' and putting my full body into it. I get vexed that they make us take our steps from 8 to 6 inch after the warm-up. What's up with that? The classes are not half as tough as Cathe's. However, I must say it's such a joy to have space and a good floor!


Have a great weekend!

I do far more weight work than cardio. I'm bad - LOL!! I just like to lift more than I like to jump or run, you know? LOL!! Even the low-impact stuff doesn't excite me anymore ... :(

I usually do Slow & Heavy or the Pyramids for strength training, so I guess I'm not really doing a full body weight workout on the same day. When I do Power Hour or Muscle Endurance, it's more of a cardio workout for me anyway. I don't really think of those as muscle-building workouts, although I realize that's just my body and how it reacts to those workouts. Others have great results with those. I think as with anything, Lori, you have to experiment a bit and find out what works best for you, your body, and your lifestyle. Best of luck to you!!


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