Cardio Coach


I just purchased Cardio Coach to use with my treadmill. I would like to hear how those of you that have these use them in your treadmill workout. I listened to Cardio Coach 3 and it sounds fun I can wait to try it.

Thanks in Advance,
I'll be interested to hear the comments. I don't have any yet, just make my own speeds up. I'd be interested to also hear what your favorite cardio coach would. be.
I love them. I have them all and have put them on my MP3 player too to run outside. I've actually put them all together, so it's one very long run ;-)

Coach Sean motivates you to push yourself instead of staying in your comfort zone (which I tend to do) and when I'm on the treadmill time flies.
Love 'em love 'em love 'em. All five. The brand-new retooled Volume 1 is WELL worth the repurchase, too, for you oldies like me out there who already had it.

Shannon, I have wonky knees that got injured last summer, and Cardio Coach has been a wonderful addition to my cardio options because it's allowed me a zero-impact way to stay conditioned while my knees rehabbed. I use it on my elliptical trainer, primarily, for the zero impact, but thru doing that I have strengthened my knees back up and am now using it on my treadmill a little bit too. And I'm now able to do my beloved Cathe cardios again, too! :)

Hope you enjoy Volume 3 -- I'll bet you'll be buying more in no time! Kathy S.

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