Carbs before cardio....Francine was right!!


That Franigirl really knows her stuff (Im not shocking anyone by saying this):eek: .
I have a habit of eating protein and carbs at every meal,as we should.But I always feel bad about eating JUST carbs.I new that we use carbs for energy but Francine reminded me of it, telling me to eat a little more carbs before cardio.Further more, I have read time after time that runners overload on carbs the day they run.
Today I didn't know what to have for breakfast.To add to that, we went out for breakfast and I didn't want to have eggs, bacon and toast.I asked for a bowl of oatmeal.(what a loser I am,going out and asking for oatmeal):+ Anyhoo, I ate most of the oatmeal and then I had 1/2 a slice of toast.
I then came home and a hour later went for a run.Normally I only go for 45-50 min.Today I ran for 1 hour and 15 min!!!! I was so proud of myself.When I got home I realized that the reason I was so energetic while running was b/c of my carb breakfast.
If anyone hasn't tried this, I suggest you should.Carbs get such a bad rep these days.What a good way to start your day, feeling like you have accomplished something.I accomplished 15 kms!!! But I may sleep the rest of the day:p :p Just joking...I still have energy and I am going to go pump some iron!
Have a good day everyone,
Hi Lori,

Carbo loading before cardio is great!! I started doing it a couple of years ago particularly before going skiing and was amazed at how much longer and harder I could ski throughout the day. Oatmeal and bagels are my standard :) :)

It is too bad that carbs get a bad rap. They can make such a difference in athletic performance.

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