can anyone recommend a post pardum cathe rotation?


Hi everyone...

our little bundle of joy arribed on 11/12 at 12:21 am, 8 lbs., 2 ounces. i will post a pix of the little cherub later.. it's been so long, i have to remember how to do it!

also, has everyone been waiting until their 6 week checkup to get back in the swing of things? Saturday will be 3 weeks for me, and i'm starting to feel like my old self again. Doc says it's best to wait, but i feel good and wonder if any of you have broken that rule?

Pls let me know if you have or know of a good post pardum cathe rotation. :)
I waited till 6 wks - but I had a c/s & was on bedrest for 8 wks. I'm doing 2 days pyramid training - 1 day upper, 1 day lower and 2 days cardio, and what ever I feel like on a 5th day (if I get one). I'm on my second week and so far so good:)
HI!!! Congrats! Good to hear your feeling well. Yes, I went right back into working out at 3 weeks. If you feel good then go for it, but listen to your body. I started with Classics Vol.1 on with the step kinda low, then I added as I was truly ready;-) And I will tell you that I was in great shape by 4 months and skinnier than pre preg at 7 months post. And I was skinny before pregnancy. I gained 45 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!! It's all gone. My lil one is 8 mnths and now I'm preg again and still doing step! And I still look skinny (til 4 months comes around:eek: ) But I think I'll be a lil more careful with the Hershey bars and milkshakes this time around;(

Stick with it, it'll shed!!:D Good luck.
thanks for sharing CurlyOtee. And congrats on baby #2! Wow, you're a brave girl! :)

I was thinking of just starting back nxt wk with an easy workout that i modified during pregnancy. it's the step only premix on IMAX 3, modifiying when necessary.

Also, i don't see the harm in starting some upper body training. It's funny, i'm such a procrastinator when there are no limits on my workout. Now that i've been told to wait, it's like I dream about my step board. :)

Lucky for me, i had a pretty easy vaginal birth, two pushes he was out, no episiotomy, no stitches, no tears. And I'm breastfeeding. Amazingly, all the prego weight is gone. I gained 28 lbs max, although the weight gain kept fluxuating towards the end. However, unlike you, I was NOT skinny pre-preg, and really wanted to lose about 40 pounds before I got pregnant. I'm tall (5'10" so I hide it well, but let's face it -- pockets of pudge are pockets of pudge. I was terrified that I'd gain like 40 or 50 pounds on top of what was already 40 lbs overweight! Anyway, breastfeeding is sending my metabolism into overdrive, thank GOD, so I'm hoping that as I start my post preg workout, I'll get a good jump on my goal. Now if i can just find the right time of day to fit my little muchkin's schedule. :)

I could use some structure as I climb back on board the workout horse, so if anyone knows of a good Cathe rotation post prego, pls shout it out...

Hi Sass,

Congratulations on the birth of your baby! It's great to hear that you're already feeling so good.

My daughter is now almost 10 weeks old. I started exercising again at the start of the third week post-partum. My midwife said to just listen to my body and exercise at a level that is comfortable to me. So for the first four week pp I made up my own thing, and just picked workouts that I thought were doable. I started off with the CTX's, Low-Impact Step, LowMax, Basic Step and Body Fusion. Over those four weeks I gradually added more strenuous workouts to the mix, until the fourth week I did all of the HardCores (except for the Gym Styles).

I'm now in the third week of Cathe's January '05 rotation. The emphasis is on calorie burning, which is what I need to get rid of about 15-20 pounds of baby weight gain. It's a great rotation because it has so much variety in it, and the workouts are typically 60 minutes.

I have never waited for my doctor's appointment to start up again. SHame on me, I know. But, I started with very limited walking and SUPER easy cardio and moved my way back up according to how I felt.

I am 1 month post partum (c-section) and my dr. did just give me the okay. I've done LIS and Basic Step and light weights. I've done the eliptical and bike at the gym. I'm moving on to some of Cathe's other easier videos this week.

I'm not super fit or super slim, but I couldn't stand not doing anything. I felt like a slug not at least walking.

good luck.
Thanks Kristan. ITA. Although I was a tad nervous, yesterday evening, only hours away from 3 wks Post-pardum, I did the step only 30 min premix of IMAX 3... and BOY did i modify. I just did enough to get back in the groove and get my heart pumping. It felt good to sweat again. I feel fine today, but will definitely slide back into things slowly. (MIC will just have to wait - lol). Maybe I will try to do some of Low MAx tomorrow or Monday. I too, was tired of being in slug mode. As it is, i'm going a bit stir crazy in the house... DS is finally 3 wks old, and has only been outside when we left the hospital and when we drove him to his 1st wk drs appt. I'm ready and not ready to take him grocery shopping (or somewhere), all at the same time. Anyway, thx for sharing... glad to know i'm not the only rebel out there. :)

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