caloric content of foods


Does anyone know the caloric content per tablespoon of carob? Also, does anyone know a website or have a list of the caloric content of vegetables, meats, and other foods that don't come with labels?
Are there any excellent websites out there that discuss the science of nutrition? Actually, I would like to find a great book to use as a resource- but not just a calorie counter- a real resource to understand the science of nutrition. Any advice?
The only suggestion I have regarding sources on nutrition is that Covert Bailey is an extremely knowledgeable expert on exercise and nutrition, who's also a great writer. It's not strictly nutrition, but you might want to look at his Web site: and maybe check out some of his books.
There is also and

Both are good sources for calorie count info, and has a fast food data base that is really extensive.

Oh, yeah, Calorie King rocks! His little book has everything in it, and I use it the most.
I really like my Nutrition textbook, Understanding Nutrition, 6th Edition (they prob. have the 7th Edition out now) by E. N. Whitney and S. R. Rolfes. ISBN 0-314-01239-7. Comprehensive and readable. Mine cost $51.00 new but I bet at college bookstores you could find used ones much cheaper.

Other texts might even be better. I like to find used textbooks that someone highlighted! Those highlights are often helpful!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-23-02 AT 01:18PM (Est)[/font][p]Connie - I am currently reading the 5th edition of the book. I got it for $7 (used) at Amazon. It was in great condition. It is such a brilliant read. Its a must for anyone with an interest in good nutrition, I think.

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