Calling all Seattlers...and anyone else:)


I would love to hear opinions good or bad about Seattle Washington... anything would help...

You see my husband and I are trying to make a huge decision, at least it feels huge...

Take job in Washington or stay within driving distance near family with a job he's not happy in...

If he took a job in NYS, it would be for a lot, and the cost of living is higher...

Washington, although cost of living is higher, so is the salary scale...

He is being offered a job there with Boeing...Anyways my question is "What is the Seattle and surrounding areas like?" Would anyone suggest moving there? We would be moving far away from our family in Northern NYS, parents, grandparents for our two children, aunts and uncles, etc. I don't want to take the kids away from them, but if I had a choice at being able to help provide a better way of living and fly home a couple times a year, that's what we'd like to do...It's not like we'd only be a day's drive anymore...we're now in Northeast Ohio, so Ny isn't that far...They would understand, but I'd love to hear any input whats so ever on this one...please...

But is Seattle worth it??? Statistically it looks alright, but realisticly, who knows???

It's just hard...We'd be all the way across the country...Of course when we were in the military, we lived in California for a number of years and were pretty happy...But everyone, had an understanding that is was just temporary...

I guess I'm just trying to get a feel for the Northwest before we invest in the trip to go and check it out. We're somewhat strapped for $$$ right now, (which is another reason for heading west)...

Thanks for everything guys,


PS... Love the blog pics....Can't wait to get started, the anticipation rises...:eek: :eek: :eek:
Hi Carrie,

Although I am not from Seattle, nor have I lived there, it seems like any info on the NW in general might help you ... I grew up in Portland, OR and have spent some time in Seattle within the last year, so I'll tell you what I can.

Seattle is a very cosmopolitan city with some great restaurants (DH and I are foodies) and a comfortable atmosphere. (Oh and it's good for wine, too!) The NW is a great place to live if you like to be outdoors and are active. The hiking, biking, climbing, kayaking, etc. are to die for. You are close to the mountains and the coast, so you can take your pick (skiers love it, too - but I don't ski). I really can't say enough about the outdoors there. Everything is very green and lush, but you must be prepared for the rain. In Seattle it really can seem endless. The temperatures are not too bad in the winter, but the dampness makes them seem colder. On the other hand, little or no snow exists unless you drive to the mountains. The spring, summer and fall are beautiful.

Seattle is more relaxed than the East coast (I've lived in CT, NYC, and Boston - now in NC). If you are totally earthy crunchy, or more city slicker, you will still be totally at home. Also, people are generally friendlier there and more environmentally aware. I am not knowledgeable about places to live/school districts, etc. since I am not from there, but as in most places, the closer you are to the city the more $$$ it is - but nothing like CA. Good luck with your decision making :)

Thank you so much...Yes that helps...


Let me ask you, since you are now in NC, if you could choose, what would you choose, NC or OR?


:) :)

My husband 23 years in management and I 13 years pion worked for Boeing. It is so disappointing. You truly don't use your expert training very much at all. The politics is horrible, and we were never happy there. On the other hand, the retirement benefits are great. Anyone I have ever met at Boeing were very unhappy also. Don't waste your time. My husband had a choice to continue to work for NASA or Boeing, he unfortunately chose Boeing.

You really have to play the working game to perfection to get ahead. Also you have to step on a lot of people, and sometimes be cruel. Not for us. Not what you wanted to hear I'm sure.

The traffic is horrific, seems it is getting worse every year.

The weather is rainy, but fantastic in the Summer. The above statement is true. In just a couple of hours, you can be in desert, mountains or ocean. We have a mild climate.

If I were you, stay where you are, and be surrounded with loving family, and most of all be happy.

Good Luck,


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995
Thank you Janie...

That really helps...since we were pinning our entire lives on the chance Boeing would be what my DH was looking for...


:) :)

Well, the weather in NC is impossible to beat - but it culturally ummm ... "lacking" would be the polite term. So, I would choose OR over NC for all around happiness and quality of life. I have no clue about Boeing or your husband's job prospects (Janie seems to know a lot about Boeing), but if you think that Seattle is a real possibility for you, I would definitely check it out and fly out there for a few days. I would also look online and see what kinds of neighborhoods might be appropriate for you and rent a car while you're out there - and check out where Boeing is located. Then you could get more of a feel for whether or not it would be a good fit, since the location should make you happy - especially if you are going to be leaving your family out east. The travel isn't really that bad from coast to coast, especially if you only do it a few times a year - and if your relatives can take turns with you. To me, flying all day is better than driving all day (i.e. driving all day to NYS from Ohio vs. flying from coast to coast), but that's just me :) it is more expensive though.

I agree with Janie whole-heartledly about the traffic in Seattle! I grew up in that area, and the urban sprawl ... all the way from Olympia to Everett... and conjested roads eventually drove (no pun intended!) me away.

Love, love, love the northwest, though! Have never minded the rain. :)

Good luck with your decision.

I know I sounded harsh, but, I guess it would be the same anywhere, I suppose. You just have to be able to play the working game.

If you want more info to learn about this Company, here are some places to check out.

There are three Main Boeing Plants. Seattle, Renton and Everett. They branch out to Kent WA, Auburn WA, then Long Beach CA, St. Louis MI, Philadelphia, and Chicago. There are other places, but very small.

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995
Hi Carrie,
I lived in Seattle for about 10 years before moving to Texas to be closer to family. While I LOVED many things about the Seattle area -- the mountains and water, the laid-back people, the lifelong friends I made, even the rain! loved the rain -- there were also drawbacks. The main one was the cost of living.
At the time, we'd just had our second baby (born 12 months after the first) and realized we could never afford a house in the Seattle area unless it was a shack. We were renting a beautiful one-bedroom loft on the water, so we had great scenery, but we needed a house for our growing family.
The other drawback was being so far away from our families; we wanted the grandparents to be able to spend more time with the kids than two visits a year. So we packed up and moved to Texas, where we were able to afford a new three-bedroom house. (The same type would have been about $150,000 more in Seattle.)
Of course, every situation is different, so I don't want to really sway you one way or another. But since you asked, I thought I'd tell you what my experience was. I never thought I'd be a Texan -- and I feared that I'd have crying fits of homesickness for Seattle once we got here -- but it's worked out far better than I'd imagined.
P.S.: We get to see our family all the time, and I know the kids will grow up with so many priceless memories of grandparents and cousins. Just my two cents. :)
Hi Carrie,
I can't speak about Boeing, but I can speak about the northwest! I live an hour north of Seattle, and have all my life. I love it and will never leave. The outdoor life here is so wonderful, we're close the ocean, the mountains, and it really is absolutely beautiful here. It took me leaving and then coming home again to really appreciate that. We're also close to the Canadian border and I LOVE going to Vancouver and Whistler etc. So as far as things to do and the atmosphere here in general, you can't beat it, IMO.

I really don't think it rains toooooo much, but I guess it could be that I'm just used to that:p

Good luck with your decision, I know how hard it would be for me to leave my family...tough thing to consider for you I'm sure.

Hi Carrie, I live in the Seattle area and wouldn't live anywhere else. As others have said, it is a great place, great quality of life, laid back and more (fantastic summers). There is something for everyone - great outdoor recreation, skiing, boating, kayaking, etc. We are 45 minutes from the mountains, there is great hiking, and there are bike trails and lakes everywhere. We are 2 hours from Vancouver BC, and and an hour to the San Juan islands by ferry. This is a great place to raise kids. I live on the East Side (Lake Washington separates us from downtown) and the school systems are excellent. If you are looking at this as a temp move like California, then consider it - it would be a great experience. If you are thinking of this as a permament move, then perhaps you and your DH should come out and check out the area first. I realize family is always a concern and that is something to think about and how that fits into your priorities. My DH is originally from OH and he doesn't want to live anywhere but here either (I'm a native Northwest girl). But even though his family is in Ohio, we see them at least once a year.

Regarding Boeing, I know people that work there, like all places, some love it, some hate it. I think it also depends what kind of work DH does whether it would be good or not. I'm in high-tech so I can't speak from experience. The cost of living is higher here, but so are the wages - it is all relative.

Anyway, if you can swing it, come see for yourself. I will add that I'm all about trying new opportunities as you never no what other doors will be opened. My DH and I have moved a few times and we always came back here - there's always options! :)

Hi Carrie,

Please don't get me wrong, The Puget Sound area is fantastic, I love the rain forests, ocean, moutains, deserts, Canada....Love it all. As for working here besides Boeing (you know how I feel about them) there are other businesses that might accomadate your husbands skills. I would never live any where else in this world, but here. Boeing is so huge, thats maybe why I didn't have a great experince there. I just felt like a number on a badge. To each his own.

I wish you and your family the very best.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return"
Nature Boy by eden ahbez 1908-1995

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