calling all marathoners!


Hello! I am going to do my first ever marathon in early June. I've been following a basic training program and hope to be ready! I know a lot of you are experienced runners, and I was wondering what your best bits of advice for me would be pre, during and/or post race. I'm especially curious as to what sort of diet to strive for the next eight weeks. You all are so knowledgable and I'd really appreciate any information you could send my way! Thanks so much!
Congrats on doing your first marathon Wendy!!! I wouldn't change your diet at all at this point. Make sure you are getting enough water especially before long training runs. Try different sports drinks and gels on long training runs so you know what will work in the marathon. Make sure 2 nights before the marathon you get a very good nights sleep. Most likely you will be too excited the night before to sleep much. My first marathon I know I had too many gels, but you have to experiment in long runs. In the marathon I would drink a bit of water or sports drink every 15-20 min to stay hydrated...please let us know how things go...:)
Oh, Wendy! CONGRATS! Carole has given you some excellent advice, as she is very full of good running advice!

Stick with it. That's all I can say, really. Hydrate, eat cleanly. Buy an EXCELLENT pair of running sneakers that you've been fitted for. STRETCH before and after every single SINGLE run.

PLEASE...keep us posted. I'd love to hear how your experience goes!

Warning...running is addicting. I just ran my first marathon in Disney in January, and I've run a race (much shorter, like 5K, 10K) every month this year and have at least one race scheduled for every month LEFT in this year! LOL. PLUS a half marathon at the end of April!


Oh, Wendy! CONGRATS! Carole has given you some excellent advice, as she is very full of good running advice!

Stick with it. That's all I can say, really. Hydrate, eat cleanly. Buy an EXCELLENT pair of running sneakers that you've been fitted for. STRETCH before and after every single SINGLE run.

PLEASE...keep us posted. I'd love to hear how your experience goes!

Warning...running is addicting. I just ran my first marathon in Disney in January, and I've run a race (much shorter, like 5K, 10K) every month this year and have at least one race scheduled for every month LEFT in this year! LOL. PLUS a half marathon at the end of April!



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