calcium-too much?


someone told me that u can get kidney stones from too much calcium. i know for women its 1200 miligrams. am i having too much drinking 3 tall glasses of milk a day plus yogurt,vegies,and orange juice with calcium?
Taking more calcium than you need doesn't necessarily lead to kidney stones, BUT taking a kind of calcium that the body can't break down properly can definitely contribute to kidney stones. BEWARE!! The worst kind of calcium a person can take that may lead to kidney stones is calcium carbonate.

If you want to drink milk for calcium, drink raw milk! The calcium in pasturized and homogenized milk is hardly available to the body when you drink it and this kind of milk will only create lots of mucous and congestion.

The BEST KIND OF CALCIUM to take is a Liquid Organic Calcium Complex!

Hope this helps!

There is no food in it's natural state that has calcium carbonate. However, calcium as a supplement is usually calcium carbonate because it is extremely cheap!

I believe calcium carbonate is added to a lot of prepacked foods on the market...bars, drinks/shakes, etc.....check labels!

It's really hard to get all the calcium, vitamins, and minerals you need from food since many of the foods are from hybrid seeds. Hybrids just don't gather all the nutrition from the earth that open pollinated plants do. It's all about the money any more. Genetically Modified foods and Hybrids. But I guess that's a whole other subject.
When you say "raw" milk, do you mean straight from the cow? I don't think I could do that. I drink organic skim milk, which has been homogenized. I have 3 glasses a day and one yogurt.
Unpasteurized milk can contain bacteria that cause diseases such as dysentery and tuberculosis. For example, before World War I, British and American public health officials correlated tuberculosis in dairy cattle with severe infections in milk-drinking children. "Certified" raw milk is from cows that have been certified as healthy, yet it still contains significant levels of bacteria. The claim that pasteurization affects the quality or quantity of calcium in milk has no scientific basis.

Here's a web page that debunks the whole thing:
Yeah, I would beware of raw milk - they pasturize it for good reason.

I think that you should be fine with the amount you're ingesting. I have a friend who has kidney stones (she's passed 3 and there are more than need to pass...she said its worse than child birth :eek: ), her dr's didn't say anything about reducing calcium but they told her to cut out caffeine completely - she had a pretty good diet coke habit, not anymore though :)
My DH had kidney stones...any number of things in your diet could cause them...He was told by his doc to drink a full glass of water every night before bed to greatly reduce the chances of having them again....

IMO, I wouldn't spend too much time or energy worrying about developing kidney stones from too much calcium intake...just try to eat a overall healthy diet and drink lots of water and you'll probably be fine!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
I asked my doctor about this and she said she's never heard of a case where too much calcium was the blame for kidney stones.
Kidney stones are literally calcium deposits, so I guess I can see how it might happen. I've had them twice & believe me when I say you should go to all lengths to avoid them. :eek:
My DH discovered he had kidney stones almost EXACTLY one year ago from the day my baby is due (May 19th)...spooky, huh? lol Anyway, my point being that we had to call an ambulance for him...he was in awful pain and had no idea why and the first aid gal told him to remember the pain he is in b/c it will be as close as a man could ever come to the pains of child birth!!! I tease him about that now with my due date quickly approaching...}( :p }(

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
Oh they're just horrible. I hear it's worse for men than for women too--I didn't have to take an ambulance but I did have to have someone drive me to the hospital. The first time I got them I was only 15 & boy did that freak me out. The second was right before a council mtg, & it was the only council mtg I've ever missed!

But neither time did a dr. give me any diet recommendations. The second time it happened I had just started Atkins, & I remember giving the nurse a really hard time b/c they put a glucose drip in me, & I'm bitching about them ruining my diet & having to start all over again LOL.
Laura, I don't know about the kidney stones, but excess calcium intake can interfere with the absorption of other minerals. That is why one shouldn't take calcium supplements at the same time as a multi-vitamin. It doesn't look like you need the calcium fortified OJ with the other sources of calcium in your diet.

My DH had to have kidney stones removed once. It was very painful. I was surprised that the doctor didn't stress drinking MORE WATER, which makes so much sense to me. He did say that they seem to be genetic. That genetic factors make some people more susceptible.
I've never heard of the calcium associating with kidney stones. My MIL RARELY drinks milk, doesn't take supplements, etc had 3 kidney stones. My DH's brother had kidney stones and he hardly drinks milk and my MIL's sister had kidney stones and she's the healthiest eater out of all. I think it's more genetic. That family has a lot of problems. I'm just glad my DH doesn't have the same health problems as his relatives. I also noticed more overweight people have kidney stones problem more than anyone else. I could be wrong but my aunt is 60 pounds overweight, my MIL is about 80 lbs overweight, my BIL is overweight.


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