C-section scar and pulling/discomfort with abdominal exercises


I've yet to call dr about this, but thought maybe there are some of you who've had this experiance:

When I do ab exercises by my scar on the left side it pulls. I've been trying to lay off lower stuff (bicycles and such) to keep the tension off. Well I've been able to planks ok but yesterday even those were pulling in that area. I usually work the abs every other day or so. Is this a big deal you think, and need to stop all lower exercises? or do I just go slow and build up the muscle slowly?
RE: C-section scar and pulling/discomfort with abdomina...

I am going through the same thing right now. I think that if the pull isn't accompanied by sharp pain, then every other day shouldn't do any harm. If the pain is sharp and/or persists, then I recommend that you call your doctor. Just my humble opinion. :)
Hi Julie. I sometimes still have some "pulling" tension on the edges of my CSection incision. When I do, I taper down on my abdominal exercises...especially on that side (ie oblique exercises). My pains are a lot less now that earlier on.
I hope this helps. I do think building up muscle slower would be more beneificial to the healing of the site. :)

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Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Hi Julie,
With my first c-section i didn't have any problems, this time around i have a tugging feeling when i do certain exercises. like abs with my legs lying flat or one legged squats. when i feel uncomfortable i just stop that exercise and do something else. i have a dr.'s appt. next week i will ask her about it at that time.
just remember to take it easy and listen to your body.

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