Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle check-in 4/29/06


Hello Everyone,

I want to officially welcome you both, August and Marcy. Sounds like we can learn a lot from each other.

August, you can't go wrong buying the book, it is chalked full of great information. And do know, you can still join this thread even if you don't have the e-book. You'll be surprised with this educated crowd what they know and want to share with you.

Marcy, A work in progress, good for you. As the book says, you can always improve with the diet, and learn by it. Just record everything, and get on track the next meal. Hey, I have more days like that than I want to remember, but all I have to do, is look at my diet/exercise journal and find the reason why I didn't lose weight. Then try to do better.

I've been doing hard gardening the last few days, and not being able to exercise like I want. I think the gardening compensates for lack of exercising though. What do you think? Anyway, since it will be raining today, I'll be on track.

Just chime in.

Take care,

"Whoo Hoo"
-Cathe Friedrich-
Hi, I'm Maeghan. I have been reading your threads on BFFM. What exactly is it all about, and where can I find the book? Have you been having good success with it?
I would appreciate the info, and maybe join the thread. THanks.
Hello, Janie,

And thank you for the welcome even without the ebook. I've signed up for the every-other-day email info and have been doing lots of reading up. I'll keep checking in and see how things go!

Oh yes, yes, I would definitely count gardening as cardio :) I'd maybe even count it in as a Pilates session, too :D

And hi, Maeghan, you'll find a ton of threads on BFFM by using the search link. You might start by using the feature that will let you search by thread title. It's quite inspiring (because the actual page where you buy the ebook is less than inspiring - to me it looks like a total hokey rip-off the way it's set up!) But since soooo many Cathe fans are into it, it's totally perked my interest...
Welcome Maeghan,

Just a few things that come to mind that I use all the time.

Nutritional Values Quick Reference Chart
Phase I 1600 calorie baseline menu for women
Phase II calorie moderate carb menu for women
Phase III calorie low carb menu for women
What exercises to do during the week and when to do them

Just a wonderful book to get you into your peak quickly with lots of hard work. It is a manageing yourself for success not failure.

August is right in saying it looks like a rip off, but it isn't.

Just what I've mentioned above is worth the book.

Hope you join the thread, the more the better.


"Whoo Hoo"
-Cathe Friedrich-

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