Buff Badgers - Monday June 19

Where are all the Badgers this morning?

Really tired after the weekend. Sat was more yard work and Sunday was prep and then company for FD. We are almost done with the yard for this year - just the side left to edge and mulch. We also went and picked out a different sofa and a matching chair. DH was not happy but finally gave in and go over pouting. So I better love the new stuff after all this. THey are delivering the new furniture on Sat and picking up the old new sofa at that time. They were very nice about it.

This morning was Kathy Smith's Power Push. TOnight is turbokick at the gym.

Hope everyone is doing well!
I'm here! I'm here! Yeah, I'm surprised Laurie hasn't posted yet. Hope she made it back okay from her folks.

Marie - Hope you like your new sofa and chair. DH will get over it and sounds like you'll be happier in the end. Have fun at Turbokick class. I'm currently going through TJ withdrawal so maybe I'll do some tomorrow morning if the weather is too yucky for jogging outside. Or maybe I'll do both!

Saturday was a whirlwind: 3 mile jog/walk, DS & DD's baseball/softball games, Quad picnic.

On Sunday, I had to sleep in after being up late the night before and all the outside activity. Wanted to workout in the afternoon but couldn't squeeze it in so took a rest day. The kids and I went to see Garfield 2. (Wanted to see Cars but it was sold out - everyone had the same idea we had of how to spend a rainy Sunday afternoon :) ) Last night we went to Seigo's for Father's Day.

This morning I did HSC.

I'll be so glad once this weekend is over. We're doing a box swap of our main production server and you really have to make sure you've dotted all your i's and crossed all your t's. We usually do but I'd still be crazy not to worry. At least I'll get a day of comp.


Have a great Monday!

Yeah! I was feeling lonely!!!

That was a busy Saturday but guess hot for the picnic was better than pouring rain. I'm looking forward to the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Good luck with the box swap. I am sure worrying helps you be sure you thought of every detail. And I'm sure you did!!

I'm hoping DH will tell me I was right after the new furniture gets delivered but that might be expecting too much! :)
Hello Ladies,

Man am I tired today, and of course work started out zooming. I'm shocked at how busy we are. Usually our department runs same old same old.

Had a great weekend, but it was a long drive. I'm glad my brother came up with me and the girls. His wife and oldest DD had girl scout camp this weekend, so he and I went up with the rest of the kids. My DH had to work!

Dad's party was good, we had lots of food. My Grandmother didn't know who I was. But then she likes to play these games, pretending that she doesn't know who people are. She has been doing this for 15 years maybe more. x( Love that old lady, but she makes me crazy sometimes. Saw some of my cousins, the ones that are as old as me. Jim is bald, single & rich, and Todd was sober and thankfully single. :D Makes me feel normal.

Marie, I'm thinking the furniture will be great, and he will agree!

Today will be a 3 mile run, Bodymax Upper, and BBW.

Have a great day!


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