Morning, BBs! What a beautiful weekend, huh? Finally got out to the yard and did a little weeding. Happy to report some of my snapdragons came back from last year. I have the brownest thumb I know so this was a pleasant surprise.
Satisfied my kickbox addiction over the weekend with CP2 Remix Friday night and CP1 on Saturday. Yesterday was Circuit Max. This morning I saw one of my daughter's books on the kitchen table during breakfast and started reading it instead of getting downstairs to workout! Now I know why my daughter always has her head in a book (including when she supposed to be paying attention in class x( ). It was a good book - maybe she will let me borrow. Anyway did Lowmax 4-7 and a few crunches. Not as much cardio as I had planned but oh well.
Satisfied my kickbox addiction over the weekend with CP2 Remix Friday night and CP1 on Saturday. Yesterday was Circuit Max. This morning I saw one of my daughter's books on the kitchen table during breakfast and started reading it instead of getting downstairs to workout! Now I know why my daughter always has her head in a book (including when she supposed to be paying attention in class x( ). It was a good book - maybe she will let me borrow. Anyway did Lowmax 4-7 and a few crunches. Not as much cardio as I had planned but oh well.