Buff Badgers 8-8-06


Sore and tired today so did 2 segments of Stretchmax (ahhhhh! felt great!) and ME abs since it's been a few days since I worked core.

We're letting DD11 stay home by herself this week while DS9 goes to Summer Rec. She has a checklist of things to do during the day so she doesn't spend the entire day on the pc or watching tv. Yesterday she didn't eat even her bag lunch! If I hadn't given birth to her myself I'd swear she wasn't my daughter. :+ She "thought" she had done some of the things on her checklist and after we checked found out she hadn't. <sigh> We'll see how the rest of the week goes. She has a new checklist today.

Have a great day!

Morning BB's,

Today will be SH Legs, Abs and Stretching.

Sue, I know what you mean about the checklist. We have one for our girls everyday. When I get home I check the list, and maybe twice out of the week they will have actually done something. One day everything on the list was done. I found out the 9 yr old accomplished the whole lot. :)

Have a great day!

Hi BBs, Got a walk in with the dog last night besides my watering duty. I wish Mother Nature would help me out a little more with some rain so I had some time to get something else done! Only 4 more nights and DH is back! Looking forward to getting back to a more normal routine. At least the humidity has let up!

I remember my mother leaving me a list and also recipes so I could have dinner ready. THis was how I learned to cook!

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