Buff Badgers 8/29


Morning BB's,

Today will be a 3 Mile Run / HSTA Upper & Lower Body Premixes. Yesterday I changed my mind and did Step Heat instead of KPC.

Marie, I'm hoping this rain stops also. Our lawn (hay field x( ) needs to be mowed. Amazing how fast the grass grows when miss one cutting.

I'm liking the look of the new workouts also. }(

Have a great day!

Hi Laurie and those to follow!

Laurie, sounds like a great workout you have planned for today.

I like to pull out Cathe's oldies but goodies every now and then just for fun. Step Heat is one of the favs.

I didn't get back from Wausau yesterday til 11:00pm so that scratched the workout off my list. However, we had gone to Rib Mountain and hiked on some trails. Not as fast as I would have liked with 3 small children in tow but at least I was feeling a burn in my glutes going up the hills!

Today we are having company so I MUST mow the lawn then I hope to do Pilates Maxinmum Burn. My body is just aching today and needs to be stretched and lengthened!

I love the new workouts too! Cathe is just awesome!

Stay strong- Susan
Just a quick Hi!

I did TJ kick, punch & jam this morning and used the hand weights with it for most of the workout. This is definitely my favorite TJ!
Hi everyone!

Went for a jog/walk this morning of 4.5 miles. It's hard going outside while it's still dark out but at least it's not cold out - yet.

Marie - PKJ is my favorite TJ, too! (Or is it KPJ? I forget.)

Laurie/Susan - Happy mowing! I'm so spoiled. DH does all the mowing but I do all the laundry which is almost every day year-round so I say that more than makes up for it. ;-)

Looking forward to the long weekend. We may go to Chicago but haven't made any firm plans yet.

Have a good day!


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