
Hello Ladies! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend. I was able to get a lot accomplished around the house with DH and DS gone Saturday. It looks so nice!:)

Today I woke up late assuming I'd just work out later. Then I remembered I have to go to Wausau for the day! So I am going to try to squeeze something in somewhere! It may just be a brisk walk with the dog.Anything is better than nothing!

Have a good Monday! Stay strong, Susan
Morning BB's,

Today I will be doing KPC.

Had a great weekend, even though it was humid on Saturday, it made up for it on Sunday.

Not much happening today, still need to get the girls shoes for phy ed, so will be shopping some time this week. This will be fun, they like to shop for shoes. :D And so do I.

Have a great day!

Evening ladies!

Had a fun weekend and even managed to get some things accomplished around the house. Usually it's one or the other. ;-)

On Saturday I did TJ CP2 Remix + 3T with 8# dbs instead of tubing. This really fried my shoulders and biceps. On Sunday I did the cardio from Mindy's Slammin' Sports. This morning was PUB.

Lots of news on Cathe's blog lately. Two workouts already filmed with bonus footage - Woo Hoo!

Have a good night.

Hi BBs,
checking in late. Did a lower body slim in 6 this morning. Busy day at work.

I just caught up with the blog. Glad I kept my pre-order. These are looking really good.

I was going to pre-order the tracey KB workout but missed the deadline. I thought it was the 28th. ???? not sure when it ended. Oh well - I will wait for reviews now.

It has rained almost every day since we picked up the new car!!! :(

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