Buff Badgers 8/25


Morning BB's,

Today will be a 3 Mile Run and HSTA Upper and Lower Body.

Spent too much money on clothes, again. }( But they appreciated everything they got.

Marie, have fun with the car!

Today is filming! I'm excited too.

Have a great day!

Hello Ladies! Today is KPC for me.

Laurie, glad the girls like the shopping!

I too am excited about the filming. I can't wait for Butts & Guts!

Have a great weekend! Looks like after today the rain should at least be gone!

Marie - Yes! I am excited about filming. I want something new and I know I always like Cathe's advanced stuff. Turbokick doesn't start for 2 more weeks. It's on Thursday nights at 6:40. Don't know how often I'll be able to make this class once school/homework are underway but I'll try it.

Did Circuit Max this morning. Does anyone else have trouble with the 1 arm speedbag or I am just uncoordinated? :+ I can do it okay with my right arm but my left arm doesn't do it right. Oh, well.

DD11 might need braces! She has a small mouth with an upper tooth coming in with no place to go. Have to schedule an appt. with an orthodontist to see what our options are. My dental plan only covers 50% for braces (if we go that route).

Have a great weekend!

Sue, My DD10 needs braces too. At her next appt. we will figuring out what we want to do. Looks like she inherited her Dad's mouth! He didn't get braces though til he was 22! I was amazed when she was in 2nd grade, that one of her classmates already had braces!
Susan - Ha! I'm blaming my DH, too! He had braces when he was younger but I didn't. Of course, I should have since I have crooked lower teeth but being from a family of 12 kids, I think the dentist knew better than to even bring it up with my folks ;-) (or maybe they did and I never heard about it.)


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