Buff Badgers 8/17


Morning BB's,

Today will be HSTA Chest/Biceps and a 30 min Interval Run. I like doing the Upper Body on HSTA alone. The only thing I do differently is the leg exercises that are incorportated into the exercise. I use a heavier weight and just stand or sit as necessary.

I really like the new office our group has. Right now I am all alone :D Got to like the peace and quite so early in the morning. Makes me a less crabby woman. :+

Have a great day!

Today I waked for 40 miutes and did 40 mins of Pilates.

When the dog and I were going by the woods, we heard a low growl in the trees. My dog put her ears back and her tail went straight down. My heart was leaping and we took off! On the way back we had to go past those same woods and Ruby was afraid. She ducked her head and picked up the pace. I wonder if it was a coyote or something? Either way it got my heart racing!

I am taking the kids to the new and improved Children's Museum. It's now called the Building for Kids because instead of just one floor it's now 3 floors and huge! They are very excited.

Have a great day! Susan
Laurie - I've never done just upper on HSTA alone. That's what I love about these forums - you get lots of ideas on how to do the workouts differently. I know what you mean about peace and quiet at work. I'm the last one to leave the office and some days it feels like I get more done in that last half hour than all afternoon. (Don't tell my boss that! hee hee)

Susan - Sounds kind of scary about whatever was lurking in the woods. Coyotes are a definite possibility. Even down here we have them. Hit one with my car one night.

Did PLB this morning. Forgot how tough that floorwork is. I'll be feeling my hamstrings tomorrow! :7

Have a great day!

Hi BBs,
I did a TJ yesterday. Woke up at 3am with my neck headache but didn't work out. I got as far as laying on the floor in my workout room.

We are going Saturday to look at cars and hope to have one bought so that maybe by Wed next week we can pick it up.

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