Buff Badgers 8/10


Morning BB's,

Today will be a 30 min Run and Stretching.

Sue, thanks for the info on SH. I really would like the DVD, but I'm not wanting to spend $50 right now. x( Trying to watch our budget, and with gas prices the way they are right now it is getting harder and harder. Our home budget didn't factor in gas prices this high. :(

Have a great day!

Just dropping by to say HI. Only workouts are walking the dog but next week will be able to get back to normal when DH gets home. Not happy about the latest news so now I am just worrying more. He leaves Brazil late tomorrow night and gets to Chicago about 5am Saturday morning. Will be a basket case until then. Maybe I should take some of the dogs anxiety meds?
Marie - I'm sure with the heightened awareness right now it's probably the safest time to fly. I know what you mean though, it'll be nice to have him home safely. I'll keep your DH and other travelers in my prayers.

Laurie - I know what you mean about not wanting to spend the extra money right now on exercise dvds. With gas prices, the summer daycare expense we don't have during the school year, home repairs, etc. we've been spending a lot of money lately. x( My mom gave me $20 for my birthday and I have yet to spend it. Was thinking about getting a Mindy or Janis Saffel or Christi or possibly preordering a Tracey Staehle but going to hold off for now.

Speaking of Janis, did Kickbox Strike Zone (1st half) this morning up until the point she does the drills because I feel like I lose too much of my heartrate as she explains the drills. Added on Mission Possible Hi/Lo which is only 20 minutes. I LOVE this workout! Maybe I already mentioned that but it makes me want to try other hi/lo from Christi. Not her step yet though. . .too complicated for me and I don't have the time to learn it. I want to put the DVD in and GO! Know what I mean?

Hi ladies! I've been a painting fool. I am totally redecorating and remodeling my house. New carpeting, wood flooring, paint, appliances........a pretty thorough overhaul. :)

Marie, I'm sorry to hear your DH is out of the country. I'm sure you are worried. I'll say a prayer for his safe return. :) I agree with Sue----the best security is happening NOW.

The gas prices.......no kidding. I wonder where it will end. I didnt' think we'd get over $3. Now I wonder when we'll hit $4. :(

Jill - Where do you get the energy, girl? ;-) That's a LOT of remodeling you're doing! Are you doing it all yourself or hiring contracters? DH likes to say "You learn something from every home improvement project you do. And what I've learned is to write a check to have someone else do it for me." :) He's a kidder because he gets a real jolt out of doing projects himself around the house.

How is your foot doing? Finding any time to workout or are you concentrating on Remodel Max these days? LOL

Is it just me or is anyone else getting excited that Cathe will be filming in 2 weeks?

Sue, don't forget I'm single and only have my kids half the time. So I do have some free time. :) I am doing some things myself but I do not touch electricity lol. (Bad experience involving fire shooting out of an outlet once). I am hiring someone to install new lights (kitchen, dining, foyer, & outside), and also install wood flooring in my living/dining room. BRAD is his name. He's a guy I've known forever-his daughter used to babysit my kids, his wife is my boss's wife's best friend from college, and he's my client. Who else COULD I hire? LOL. He doesn't do carpet, so I did get that from Home Depot. I haven't worked out because I ordered the carpeting as soon as I knew I wasn't moving and it will be installed in 2-3 weeks and you have to paint at least 2 weeks beforehand. So........voila. I'm painting. Actually I'm finishing right now! I'll take a picture tomorrow in the daylight. :)
I never heard you were supposed to paint 2 weeks before getting carpeting installed. I think we were painting up until the night before the carpet layers came when we remodeled the upstairs! We were on a tight schedule trying to get it all done by DS' First Communion. It turned out alright so I'm not worried just wondering what the reasoning would be behind waiting 2 weeks???

Sue, they said that sometimes they might mark the wall a little when they're installing, and it will chip off more easily if it's newer paint. I dunno. That's what they said.
Ah, that makes sense. They might have told us that, too, but we weren't too concerned cuz we figured we could just touch it up. :)


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