
Happy Friday to you all! Hope you had a good week and are looking forward to the weekend.

Today I have a lot scheduled so I don't know if I'll fit Bootcamp in. I may have to do it Saturday morning instead. We have soccer tournaments this weekend, then we're done! I hope to get some flowers finally planted in one of my big containers too... I have been too busy to do some of that stuff this summer!

Hope you have a good day and better weekend! Susan
Hi ladies!! I'm so sorry I've bailed on you guys. I've barely had time to check in with anyone online and haven't even been to yayas in weeks! Work is really busy and my house STILL is not sold! :( There just aren't any buyers. If it's not sold by 9/15 when my realtor contract is up, it's coming off the market and I'm not moving. I cant' move in winter (tax season). No way!

Marie emailed me about the get-together. I can't make it. :( I'm taking a few days off of work and going "up north" with a friend that has a cabin/house. She has a rotating work schedule (works at the VA hospital) so we have to go during the week. I NEED to get away, even if it's just 2 hours from home.

I hope you're all well!
Hi Susan and other BBs,
Susan - weather should be nice for the tournaments. Not too hot and humid anyway.

Jill - sorry you can't make it on Tuesday. The get away up north sounds nice. So many nice places in Wisconsin to visit so why go farther away except in the winter. Hope something happens for you with the house but I think setting a deadline was good. And if nothing happens by then maybe it was just not meant to be at this time.

DH went running last night so I did a turbokick workout and this morning was KV Burn and Firm cardio and abs.

Summer is going fast but happy that we are at the point when the garden is starting to produce the fresh cucumbers and tomatoes that I love! We have had tons of cucumbers already but just starting to get ripe tomatoes.

Has everyone seen the postings over at VF regarding Amy Bento and Tracey? I plan to order the Tracey kickboxing one but for step people, her step one sounds challenging. Amy is releasing an xtreme pump and xtreme kickboxing. Sounds like the Pump one is just using bands though. All workouts by both will have premixes and are being produced by Greg from CIA.
Hi, everyone!

Jill - Sorry you can't make it to the GTG. Going up north sure sounds like fun though and you deserve some R&R.

Marie - I haven't bit the bullet on any Amy Bento workouts yet. There are still so many others on my wishlist that are less expensive and by well-established instructors that I'd like to get those first.

No workout this morning - too tired. Busy weekend so I'm getting up early both mornings plus Monday we're going to Six Flags so I decided to sleep in. Will try to do Cardio Kicks tonight. If not, will do it tomorrow.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Amy Bento's Sept releases will ore-sale for $14.95 each (w/o shipping) and each is 90 minutes. THe pkg of 2 is $36.90 and includes shipping. The pre-sale will be in Sept after film production. She was able to save money on the production so she was able to lower her prices.
Now you're tempting me! }( Off to Amy's site to read more about these new workouts. . .

Thanks for the heads up, Marie!


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