
Hi Everyone! This morning it's just beautiful outside! I am hoping we get some of the rain that's supposed to be heading our way later. Our lawn really needs it. I haven't had to mow in 2 weeks! I plan to tomorrow though ...

Today I will be doing my Nordic Track for about 40 minutes followed by ab work. Cathe's program calls for a 30 minute run but my heel isn't fully normal yet so I can't run.

The Doctor said she would rather hold off on me having the surgery on the heel spur. Where I was doing high impact about 5 days a week I am now doing it only about 2 times a week. The other days I do a lower impact form of cardio like my Nordic Track or walking, biking. The Dr. said it can take a long time for these spurs to reduce in size so I need to be more pacient. I have noticed an improvement which is good. I need to wear a hell cushion in all my shoes. So some of my sandals can't be worn.x(

Have a good day ladies! Stay strong- Susan
Susan - I didn't know you were able to do high impact at all so that's good news. :) You know, I started doing more cardio (all high impact) in my rotation and that's when I started having my achilles problems. Plus add in the fact my shoes needed replacing and I wasn't stretching enough. . . Anyway, I'm glad to hear you are slowly on the mend.

I did GS-Legs Timesaver #2 (49 min.) this morning. If I get time tonight I'd like to do abs and/or go for a walk but nighttime workouts are always iffy for me so we'll see.

Grand total on car repairs is $2700. }( We told the dealer "No thanks" and are doing some comparison shopping to see if we can get the repairs done elsewhere for less money. Hate to sink that much money into a car with 92,000 miles on it. Warranty expired at 90,000. x( I hate cars. . .

Happy Hump Day!

Susan - glad to hear the heel is doing better with the treatment and modifying your workouts. You are still doing great with what you are doing. Could you glue a heel cup onto a sandal? :)

Sue - sorry about you AC news on the car. It won't be that much longer that you will need to worry about it for awhile. Partly my wishful thinking for September o get here fast.

Just walked the dog last night and hope to get a workout in tonight plus the dog walk. Last night I needed to water too. DH is back tomorrow afternoon. :) :) :)

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