Buff Badgers 7/11


Good morning!

It was a struggle to get going this morning but once I did I was okay. Did Punch, Kick and Jam followed by the Kickmax blasts.

Tonight is supposed to be parents vs. kids as DD's softball practice. I could never hit as a kid so it doesn't disappoint me that I have a haircut appt. and can't make it. :+ DH will be there though. Too bad I can't send Laurie in my place. ;-)

Have a great day!

Morning BB's,

Today will be stretching. I will also be playing softball today, all day.... We have a team building exercise, and this is a round robin double elimination. I just hope they don't make us play in the rain. x(

Sue, Way to go on the work out. That one sounds like a great one. I would gladly sub in for you, too bad I will be in softball hell today!

I just had an update. July 31 is now booked for me. :9 I really am going to have to start using my day planner that my company gave to me.

Have a great day!

Morning BBs,
Sue - Did you mean the 25th was now OK for you for the get together?

I did Mission Possible this morning. I really like Christi and her music selection.

Laurie - I hope you don't have to play in the rain! I would be hoping for a rain out since I can't hit a softball unless it is by sheer luck!

What ever happened to Jill?
I'll say we've dwindled! It's too bad because as a member of a large family I appreciate the diversity that comes with a large group. Maybe we ought to do shots of tequila, take pictures to post and show everyone how much fun we had to lure them back to the group! ;-)

Do we have a location? I think we agreed on Mexican if I'm not mistaken.


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