Buff Badgers 6/5


Morning BB's,

Today I'm officially starting the June Rotation. Imax, 300 Walking Lunges and Stretchmax 1 will be my workout. DD13 has a choir concert tonight, so we will see if I have a chance to get this workout in.

Beautiful day yesterday, we had a great time at our first faire rehearsal. The mosquitoes didn't bother me, but they where living in the grass. Didn't venture too far into that! :D

Have a great day!

Slow start for our group this morning. Must be cause it is Monday.

Digging and planting describes my weekend! But what a total body workout!!! All plants are in the ground other than 6 that I still need to get. We got all the sod removed and 55 perennials planted. Hoped to finish up on Saturday but ran out of time so the project continued on Sunday. We bought the steppers and they are in place but still need to do the edging and mulch. For me the worst is over since I don't have to think anymore about what plants to get and where to put them.

No workout this morning. Next week I will start a Monday night TurboKick class.

Weather could stay like the weekend and I would be HAPPY! Perfect!! Friday night we went to Bravo's at B Sq and sat outside to eat. Excellent food and beutiful weather for outdoor dining.

Laurie - hope you get your workout in. The June rotation looks like a killer to me! But probably not for you. You are amazing!!
Laurie - Good luck with day 1 of the June rotation! Killer is right. My butt hurts just thinking about it! LOL I'm having too much fun right now with Turbo Jam and actually being able to jog outside that I won't be trying this one quite yet.

Marie - Turbokick class sounds fun. Let us know how you like it. Also, you should post some pictures of your landscaping. I'd love to see what it looks like.

Workout marathon on Saturday: I tried TJ CP3 and Fat Blast on Saturday. CP3 was fun but not so sure I like the fat blast one. It consisted of 8 turbos - 4 done at a slower pace to preview the moves and then 4 at turbo pace. I need to try it a couple more times before I decide. Beachbody also sent a Yoga Booty Ballet DVD as my free gift. Tried it as part of my marathon and decided YBB is defintely NOT my cup of tea! Very wierd new-agey kind of stuff in the w/u and c/d and then stripper moves in-between! LOL If anyone would like to try this DVD, I'd be more than happy to send it to them.

Yesterday I did a jog/walk for 3 miles. This morning was Musclemax 53 min. timesaver.

Tomorrow I'm helping out with the 6th Grade Dinner. Finally! It's here at last. I'll be helping decorate, setup, serve and cleanup so it'll be a long day. Planning on doing some kind of cardio in the morning.

Did you guys see that Cathe is going to be on Good Morning America tomorrow? Will have to make sure the DVR is set.

Have a great, sunny Monday!

Sue - I will take pics but might need to bring them to the get together if I can't figure out how to post them. Yes - I am technically challenged!! I am with you on YBB. Many people rave about these and I didn't like them at all. Usually they are easy to trade or sell. Which one did you get? I also agree about TJ Fat Blaster. Maybe I will like it better when I do it again but initially I didn't like it that much. Maybe it just doesn't flow like the others. TK class will be doing round 13 which I think I have from the cert. I want to preview it and hopefully do it before Monday. They were actually starting tonight but with the rec dept class I couldn't go. I wonder what time Cathe will be on GMA? I will try and catch her - if I remember.
Hi girls-super busy w/work but had to come say hello.
I'll try to remember to turn on channel 12 tomorrow-thanks for the heads up! I finally have my file cabinets together and can get back to normal, after having to dig through bins for everything for the last 2 weeks. Doing good on Nutrisystem, I've lost 5 pounds after 5 days on plan. :)
Hi Everyone!

Went to the Grand Canyon this weekend. It was spectacular. I had a hard time leaving. Went through Flagstaff. It reminds me so much of WI, it's weird that 2 hours north of us, is totally different.

Have been working out 5x a week and my appetite isn't that great. Maybe I'll finally take off a few pounds. I have been doing less cardio and more weights lately. We'll see if that makes a difference for me.

Sue, thanks for the info on Cathe being on Good Mornong America. I'll try to check it out.

I hear you guys are having great weather. Hope it keeps up. I can't wait to see green grass and trees. I had a hard time leaving Northern AZ yesterday.

Take Care,

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