Buff Badgers 6/2


Morning all and TGIF!

Did TJ Punch, Kick and Jam this morning and I like it. It started out with the same old moves in different combos and music (with a little less shakin' for those who don't like that ;-) ). Chalene actually cues during the turbo in this one! :eek: The best part are the new Capoiera (spelling?) moves we do at the end. I have a feeling I'll be feeling these in my waist and legs. New cast members and a bright new set. She has a pumped up music option which I didn't use because I wanted to hear her cues the first time. We used the tubing at the end for just a little bit but it kept slipping off my foot so I didn't have it adjusted right. CP 1 is still my fave but this is a close 2nd - so far.

Can't wait to hear which one Jill does first and what she thinks of it.

Have a great day everyone!

Morning BB's,

Today is Rhythmic Step and Coremax #3. If any of you get a chance to do the Bonus Butt Workout that Cathe posted in the June rotation, give it a try. I'm having a hard time sitting today. My inner thighs are sore also. }( I have to find a sub for the wall squats though. All the walls in my house are either plaster knock-down or it has the sand finish. Can you say OUCH!

Saturday I'm going to do 45 min Run, probably TJ CP#1 (because Sue likes it so much), and Leaner Legs. Sunday is a rest day.

Sunday we start our first rehearsal for the Faire. Only 5 weeks away from opening weekend. Time is flying bye!

Sue, now I have to have the TJ's. ;-) It sounds like you where having fun.

Have a great Friday and Weekend,

Sue, I'd love to give a review, but my TJs never came!! I can't believe it-it still says in transit to final destination. Did the drive get lost? LOL I sure hope they come today-I don't want to wait all weekend. I'll probably do CP3 first. I have the first 2 and like them a lot. But your description sounds tempting and I might try that first lol.

My boss had called already so I had to cut it short. I'm so glad it's Friday!!

Laurie, RS is my favorite. I miss step! I hope after my cortisone shot tomorrow my foot will feel better enough to get back to step. I just haven't been able to do it; my foot is really sore today and all I did yesterday was walk 3.62 miles. Walking! Grrrrr.

Sorry you're sore-I hate that "it hurts to sit on the toilet" feeling!

I was going to go to the grocery store after ex picks up ds tonight, but I think I'll try a TJ instead and shop tomorrow. And then we are walking at about 7:30 tonight. Hopefully I'll have the strength to walk after doing a TJ!

Anyone else have plans besides Laurie's faire practice? I am so happy to know I have a quiet weekend with nothing going on. Things have just been too busy, and after the rummage last weekend I am looking forward to some relaxation.
Happy Friday BBs!

Laurie - would it work t use a door for the wall squats?

Jill - enjoy your quiet weekend! I love those and haven't had one in ages!!!

Sue - I was thinking of doing that TJ this weekend and wish I had. Glad you are enjoying these now. I know initially you didn't care for them.

I was going to do a TJ or TK this morning and instead pulled out Cathe KPC and picked the kicking and punching premix. I found it really boring so the time dragged but a good workout. I didn't like the music.

Big plans for the weekend - we are renting a sod cutter to finsh off the landscape. Found a place that delivers and picks it up which would have been perfect earlier. I need to run to the nursery and get the rest of the plants and am hoping we will get everything done Saturday. It will be a lot of small holes.
Oh no Marie! Does that mean that after doing the TJs Cathe's kb'ing will be boring? KPC was my favorite of her kickbox workouts.

Do you think you will be all DONE with the landscaping this weekend? I think that's great, being done already. Now you can sit back and enjoy it all summer. :)

Taylor had a playoff game last night at St. Catherine's in Racine. The game didn't start until 7pm and he didn't get home until midnight! Isn't that ridiculous for a school night!! And since they won, they have to play again tonight. Sometimes I think schools just ask too much of these kids!
Jill - JMO - the music in TJ is not what I would listen to but still more of a fun factor for me than Cathe's kickboxing. She seems more serious in her KB workouts than her strength and step.

We will have the planting done in the front. We still need to do the edging and mulching. For me all the mental planning and sweating will be over. Next year I want to do some work in the back yard but I should feel like a pro by then. Assuming the plants live through the winter and I like how it turns out.

Yest that is late for any not but esp a school night. And work night for adults.
Marie - You're right - I was kind of lukewarm on the TJs at first because I had a hard time with the cueing. Now that I'm used to Chalene's style, I like them a lot. The thing I like the most is that I burn a lot of calories and don't feel like I'm working that hard. In Imax3 I feel like I earn every calorie I burn! You're right - Cathe is very serious in the kickbox workouts. And it seems so slow paced after doing TJ, too. Good luck with your sod-cutting. I hope the weather cooperates for you. So what are you going to do to celebrate when your landscaping is all done? Something fun I hope.

Jill - LOL on the UPS man getting lost! I hope you get it today. I'm going to try CP3 this weekend.

Laurie - Now I'm scared to do the June rotation if your butt (and other parts;-)) hurts that much after doing the BBW! As I recall, you do that a couple of times a week, right? No wonder she calls it the Rock Bottom rotation!

Nothing really planned this weekend other than DS's baseball game tomorrow. Want to get outside to bike or jog and get some flowers in the ground. Have to take DD shopping for shorts and t-shirts which I enjoy because she still likes what I pick out;-) That will change when she's a teenager I'm sure.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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