
Hello BB's! Our computer went down on us so I haven't been able to check in! I have been thinking about you though! Hope you're doing well and staying healthy!

I still have heel spurs. I have a feeling I am going to have to go in and have them ground down. I am giving it one more week - because I am a procrastinator! ;-)

Today was 45 mn of Pilates and a 40 mn walk with the beast (or dog).

Have a great day - looks like the weather is going to be heating up later this week!

Stat strong- Susan
Hi Susan - glad to see you back! I hate computer problems - besides the frustration, it is amazing how dependent I am on it now. Sorry to hear your spurs are still such a problem. How long would you be recovering from surgery if you need to go that route? Little beasties are great for making sure we at least get some walking in. :)

I was up during the night and had trouble getting back to sleep so couldn't get out of bed at 4am to workout. :( Hair appt tonight and, weather permitting, walking our beast!
Morning BB's,

I don't know what is going on this week, but the job starts a 7am and I don't breath until I'm here about 3 hours. Usually doesn't happen like that. Must be because the boss was here early, and he forgot to put his cig patch on today! Wow, what a difference! I'm trying to stay clear of him. :D

Today I will be doing KPC. I really have been enjoying this rotation so far. BBW is the Bonus Butt Workout. The thing I find different are the wall squats. Those really get into the butt.

Susan, sorry to hear about your heels. Ouch!

Have a great day!

Susan - Sorry to hear your heel spurs are still giving you grief. :( Is your core getting really strong from all the Pilates you've been doing? Glad you posted. Was wondering what happened to you. . .

Laurie - My boss has days like that, too, when I just try to steer clear. She doesn't smoke though so can't blame it on nicotine withdrawal. We feed her chocolate and that usually does the trick. ;-)

Marie - Sorry to hear you had another sleepless night. :( Have fun walking your beast!

I had a hard time getting going this morning so did a shorter workout than planned: PS chest, All Step cardio, 300 walking lunges.

Have to brag about DD11 a little bit. She pitched the 1st inning on Saturday and did great! Threw several strikes and most importantly - did not get frustrated (as she sometimes does). The girls have improved so much since last year when they pitched for the first time and the pitches would end up 10 feet away from the plate. It's neat to see the improvement and they'll be better by the end of the season.

Have a great day everyone!

Sue - we always enjoy hearing about everyone's children so brag away anytime. DD11 did a great job. I wish someone would suggest the chocolate idea to my employees.
Hi ladies. I checked earlier and didn't see a thread. D'oh!! I realize now I was looking at the suggestions for Cathe's next dvd board!! This board is in a dropdown list for me and I clicked on the wrong one lol.

Today was my 2 week weigh-in and I'm VERY pleased. I'm down 8.5 pounds after two weeks on Nutrisystem. Yay!!!! I am so happy with this eating plan. I still need to get exercising, but the food plan is giving me great joy!

Susan, glad you're back! OMG that sounds painful, the grinding thing. I'm sure it's your last resort. Ugh.

Marie, you worked out at 4am? Wow!!!!! You are devoted! LOL. I woke up at 5:50am to use the bathroom. I went back to sleep. LOL

Laurie, I hope you've made it through the day with Mr. Cranky Pants not giving you too much trouble. :)

Sue, that's neat that you can see progress with your DD's pitching. :) Brag away!!

I did tell you guys that DS16 was hired by Lutheran Social Services to be DS13's respite care worker this summer, right? It's for 16 hours a week; not full time, but helpful to me and he needed a flexible part time job. So far so good......they've gone to the park every day, and next week starts story time stuff at the library. :)

Back to work.........

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