
Hello Ladies. Hope you all enjoyed the nice HOT weekend. We went camping and had fun however the rain poured down on Saturday night. We had a rough storm go through. Thank goodness for campers!

I went for a long bike ride early Saturday morning before leaving to camp. It was fun. The rest of the weekend was walking the dog around the camp ground!

This morning I walked 40 minutes and did lower body pilates. I am going to start incorporating Cathe cardio back in tomorrow.

Have a great day ! Susan
Morning, Susan! Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Guess what? I went biking on Saturday, too. We took the kids to the Elroy-Sparta bike trail and did 18 miles. I'm SO PROUD of them (and myself, too!) for making it the whole way. Most of the trail is shaded but the parts that aren't were blazing hot and then it started pouring rain right before we reached the tunnel which was our turnaround point. We walked thru the tunnel which is pitch black inside - glad DH knew to bring a light - and saw the steam and fog rising outside the other end of the tunnel which was pretty neat.

Anyway, I wish you luck with cardio tomorrow Susan. You've been patiently recouping so hopefully it will go okay.

On Sunday, we went to Mt. Olympus at the Dells. DS and I rode Hades which is a rollercoaster that goes underground. Familyland is now attached to Mt. O so we did waterpark stuff, too. Walking around and climbing stairs was my cardio that day.

Yesterday was a 4.5 mile jog/walk in the blazing heat }( :p plus pushups. (I joined the pushup challenge - goal of 41 consecutive.)

Today was CTX back, shoulders and Kickbox cardio only.

Looking forward to a short week of work even though my work week started already with a page at 3:15 a.m.! }(

Morning Badgers!

Susan, sorry you got rained on! Thank goodness you weren't in a tent. And the heat! Those temps in a tent are just no fun. I hope your foot holds up to Cathe's cardio. :)

Sue, wtg on the long bike hike! I need to get my bike out. It's still in the basement. The warm temps snuck up on me and I haven't gotten it out yet. A waterpark sounds like just the right idea for this past weekend. I can't believe how hot it was.

I had my rummage this weekend. My first and last lol. It did very well; I made $530! But it was a LOT of work setting up, and then really a lot of work yesterday. I boxed up everything that was left and my suv is now full to the gills with stuff going to Goodwill tomorrow morning when I go to the Milwaukee office.

I am hoping Christy wants to walk today. We decided on Friday that we are going to start walking, hopefully every day. I can't do any high impact cardio (I get my cortisone shot this Sat. finally) and walking is just much more "fun" with a friend. But she tends to bail out on this stuff, so I'm hoping this time will be different.

I don't know if I told you guys, but I signed up for Nutrisystems. I'm hoping to get my food shipment in the next couple of days. I just decided I needed to do something drastic. I've gained so much weight it's not funny! Hopefully this will help. I was debating between NS and Jenny Craig and decided on NS because I don't have time to go to JC for the meeting each week, and in order to sign up online you had to actually give your phone number and have someone call you. No thanks!

Have a great day! I'm happy we have a short week!
Morning BB's,

Today will be a 3 mile run and PLB.

It was a beautiful weekend. So warm that all the kids where able to swim in the lake. Usually this weekend is too cold for them to take a dip. Not this year!

The only thing about this weekend that I didn't like was my eating. I will just get back to eating the way I should and it will be ok. I just couldn't resist my Mom's ruhbarb crunch. :9

Have a great day!

Oh and how could I forget this. We have a new family member. I'm such a sucker. A neighbor had free kittens and I couldnt' resist. It was Mace's birthday on Sat. and I was feeling all sad, and suddenly Christy came over with her new kitten. My neighbor adopted one, too, so we now have three sisters lol. But she's such a doll! She's six weeks old and her name is Daisy Mae. She's so tiny!


Yesterday Christy and family went out on their boat, so I kittysat for Madison, Daisy Mae's sister. They found the funniest place to take their naps all day:

She is adorable!!! My daughter keeps trying to talk my DH into getting a kitten but he won't budge. Our 80 pound Lab is enough I guess. I love cats so it's so hard to say no!!

Give Daisy Mae a big squeeze! Susan
Happy Tuesday! I love that it will be a short work week!

Our weekend - picking up more plants and planting them. That was Saturday and Sunday. Still another weekend or 2 before we finish this project but it is getting there! Monday was the Hare & Tortoise run/walk in New Berlin. I did the walk and DH did the 5 mile run. It was rough with the heat. We know a lot that do this so there is a big group of us that get together before and after. We went shopping in the afternoon and bought a new sofa for the family room. It won't be delivered until June 11th. Can't wait!!! This morning was just a segment of Amy Bento's Ab workout because that was the only part of my body not hurting from the weekend.

Jill - great job with the rummage sale! Daisy Mae looks like a cutie!! I will be anxious to hear your thoughts on NS.

Laurie - you workout so hard and so consistently that I don't think an occasional rhubarb crunch is going to hurt. It sounds delicious!

Sue & Susan - great that you combined getting exercise and enjoying the wonderful (but too hot for me) weather.
OMG! The kittens are so cute! The 2 sisters look just like our 2 when we first got them (except we have a brother and sister). Same coloring and everything. I love tabbies, too. Did you know tabbies have an "M" on their foreheads and that's how you know they're tabbies? I didn't until we got ours and someone told us. Now that you have 1 you'll have to get another one cuz cats are so cute with a "friend".

Oh Sue! No I do NOT have to get another one!!! We have 3 now!! It was awesome watching them yesterday. They had sooo much fun and were so cute sleeping together. They even went potty together lol.

Marie, you had a busy weekend again! Did you get to relax yesterday?

Laurie, rhubarb-yum!
Laurie - I love anything with the word "rhubarb" in it. :9 I'm sure any weight you gained was water anyway and will be gone in a couple of days. Don't sweat it. Ha! Maybe in this weather you will! LOL (until it cools down that is)

Marie - Good job finding time and energy to workout with all the planting you've been doing! I planted 1 perennial yesterday and had to go inside cuz it was too blasted hot!

Looking forward to a short, cooler week. . .

Sue - DH would appreciate your sympathy after me working him so hard during the heat. Worst part (and his job) was removing the sod before he dug the hole. We put in 13 more shrubs and 41 perennials (32 were ground cover)over the weekend. The rest is just perennials and glad the temps will be more normal for this. It is such a huge area that it doesn't seem like we have planted that much.
Hi Everyone!

We had a beautiful weekend here! Cooler than you guys. It's been in the 80's the past 4 days! To say the least, I got some good workouts in. It's been nice and cool in the a.m's Unfortunately, tomorrow is 104!!! Up to 110 by Saturday.:eek:

So I am thinking of ordering Mindy's Bootcamp. Any comments? How is Amy Bento, Marie? IF you guys can comment on any new vids, I would appreciate it. I am getting the itch for something new already. Mindy is a the top of my list, though, I saw some previews and it looks like the same ole, same ole moves from her. Hopefully will get my catalogue this week and make some decisons.

4 weeks until we arrive in WI!!!:7 Our pool will get a good workout this week!

Take Care everyone!


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