
Hello there and Happy Friday! Seems like it took forever to get here!

Went for a long walk this morning followed by pushups and plank work. I have been trying to do some pushups everyday to get better at them. Right now 20 is my max before I shake! I do 3 sets.

Going camping with friends this weekend. So glad to see it's going to be beautiful out!

Hope you all enjoy the long weekend!

Stay strong- Susan
Morning BB's,

Susan, awsome job on the push-ups. I can only do 16 before I start to wiggle. :D Have fun camping. I'm also happy that the weather is cooperating. Too many Memorial Day weekends have been rainy!

Today I'm going to get in a 10 mile run. We will see, longest mileage yet. My shoulders and arms are cooked from the CTX Shoulders, Triceps and Biceps that I did yesterday. I upped the weights on shoulders to 15lbs on the presses, and I am feeling it today. }( But I am wanting to wear those tank tops this summer, so need to make those shoulders look good.

I'm hoping to get in MIS tomorrow morning before we leave for my brothers cabin. Nothing on schedule for Sunday, probably eating my Mom's Ruhbarb Pie.:9 Monday I'm leaving early from up north and will do PS CST BBA.

Have a great day and weekend!

Laurie, Good Luck with that 10 miler! WOW! I love working my shoulders even though they hurt the next day! I think they are my one body part I like the most.

Good for you to come home early to work out- that's dedication!

I have my 20th High School reunion in 3 weeks so I have been eating very clean and feeling really good. I have even lost 2 pounds this week! :) I tried on a dress I haven't worn in a couple years the other day. I was worried it wouldn't fit since the scale has gone up about 8 pounds. Well it still fit perfectly so it must be muscle huh?!

Take care- Susan
Susan - that is great! I bet you will be in the best shape of anyone at the reunion!!

Laurie - good luck in getting to 10 miles. That is amazing!

I slept in again this morning. Not sure why I am having trouble sleeping this week.

Last night, DH and I went to a seminar on nutrition for sports. It was interesting and very informative.

This weekend will be more planting - what a surprise! Just need to go buy more plants first. Then hopefully one more weekend and we will be done with this part. DH will still need to do the edging when he decides what he wants.

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