
Hello there fellow BB's! What crappy weather we are having. It's hard for me to want to get moving! I did an hour of Pilates this morning and hope to do some cardio this evening. Don't know what I feel like doing!

My heel is getting better. It's week 2 so only one more to go before I can incorporate my Cathe cardio back in. I have really good heel insoles in all my shoes which is really helping.

My weekend looks very quiet. I hope to be able to read a book I got from the library and plant some flowers.

Take care and stay strong! Happy Mother's Day!

Good morning Susan and the rest to follow!

Susan, I'm glad to hear your heel is getting better. I'm hoping for the same for my foot neuroma after my shot. I can't stand this. I have gained so much weight it's pathetic! I feel like a blob and just can't WAIT to be able to get some cardio again.

The weather is bad. I just saw the week's forecast-chance of rain every single day and temps only in the 50s. What happened to spring? It's supposed to be APRIL showers!

I have a quiet weekend also, thank goodness. Happy Mother's Day to all!!

Morning BB's,

Today is going to be a 3 mile run. Saturday is a 5 mile run. Sunday will be Kickmax.

Jill, LOL on the April Showers. My DD13 said the same thing yesterday. And she was so upset! You know you can't go outside and ride your bike when it is raining.

Susan, glad to hear you heel is doing better.

Probably going to do some mall shopping this weekend. Of course a lot of people will probably be thinking the same thing, so I may change my mind. My other option is cleaning the house. x( Like Susan I also have a book that I would like to finish also. :D

Cynthia, I just saw your post from yesterday. We have been afraid to open our e-mail from WE Energies all winter, it seems to increase everytime we open one.

Have a great day, weekend & Happy Mothers Day!

Hi Laurie. I did the mall thing last weekend with my mom and sister. I hadn't been to Southridge in ages. I rarely go mall shopping anymore, with so many stand-alone stores around. But it's fun once in awhile.

I have house cleaning to do as well. Uck. I am almost finished reading The DaVinci Code. It's pretty good. I wanted to read it before seeing the movie.

Speaking of movies, we have a teeny library here, but I was surprised to find quite a selection of dvds! Some very current movies in fact. I got a bunch of movies to watch in the next week or so. I don't care for most of what's on tv, which is why I have Netflix. But I dont' always have a movie to watch from them, so it was a great surprise to find some good ones at the library. Check it out!
Yeah it's Friday!

Cynthia - I saw your post from yesterday. Please send some of that heat are way. I don't think we will hit 50 today. And close to a freeze in some areas last night. Plus windy and rainy. A good day to be living elsewhere. Texas Roadhouse would be fine or Tumbleweeds if you want cheap margaritas.

Susan & Jil - hope you are both pain free with your foot issues soon! After my bout with PF I can relate to the agony of d'feet.

This morning I did Kathy Smith Power Push. I really didn't want to get out of bed because it was so cold so happy that I did.

Want to go buy more plants on Sunday so the weather better improve. Did I tell everyone the nursery owner sent me a nice response. Tomorrow is DH's ultramarathon and no rain would be nice for him although I think he will have to live with cold and muddy.
Jill/Susan - Hope your feet feel better soon. Hang in there!

Laurie - I'll bet you're right. The malls AND the movie theatres will be packed this weekend.

Cynthia - I couldn't go 6 weeks without working out either. Well, I *could* but no one would want to be around me. }( Good idea to join the Y for a month. I bet you get a good rate during the summer, too, since attendance is typically down during the summer months.

Marie - I almost didn't get out of bed this morning but like you, felt better after getting my workout in.

I slept in a bit and did a light workout this morning - Gilad's Fat Burning workout. It's only 30 minutes of hi/lo so it's good when you need a quick cardio. I skip the warmup because I feel like I'm hardly moving and the actual workout starts out slow anyway. Will try to do abs tonight, Imax tomorrow and a circuit workout on Sunday.

Where's Ellen?

Happy Mother's Day to all the BB mothers/step-mothers!

Hi Everyone!!

Oh Gals, It's really not that bad!! I won't see temps below 100 until October! At least there is no humidity, but like I said electricity is a fotune! So no air until 9p.m. this month. So, don't complain! Because I am already!!
:eek: :+ I guess we always think the grass is greener elsewhere.

Marie: Tumbleweeds for cheap MArgarita's sound great to me!

Sue: You know what will happen if I go that long without exercise. I think I will be a much bette house guest. SIL says I can do her stuff, but she really is low impact beginner, intermediate level. The Y will workout much better for me!

Have a good weekend everyone!


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