Braxton Hicks Contractions...

They are different for a lot of women. Your tummy gets tight and hard, there shouldn't be any pain. Mine were just a little uncomfortable. Some of my friends really couldn't feel theirs. Why, do you think you are having some? How far along are you? I know some women who get them around 7 months along.
Thanks...yes, I am wondering if I am getting them...I am 32 weeks a long so I know they are a definate possibility at this point!

I am getting 2 "new" feelings as of is what feels like a tightening of the skin on my belly like a stretching feeling (which I thought was just the baby leaning on my belly and pushing it out), and the other is a very mild menstrual cramp type of feeling that comes and goes-this is the one that I am really questioning.

Any thoughts? Thanks!:)

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img][/url]
that would be those wonderfful Braxton Hicks. the first time I got those, I was so sure that I was going into premature labor! :p It is freaky at first, isn't it? I hated that stretchy feelinig! I had red marks all over my tummy from scratching it so much!
I had these, Wendy. Mine were painless; my belly just got hard for a few seconds at a time. Felt weird, and happened throughout the whole last trimester. I don't know if BH are always painless, though?

When I went for my last u/s, at 13 1/2 weeks, the technician had to wait to scan the placenta because apparently my uterus was in the middle of a contraction. I wasn't feeling a thing! She told me these were very normal, and everyone gets them throughout their whole pregnancy. So, I guess our uteruses (uteri?) are practicing constantly for the big day, huh?

Hi Sandra,

Mine are not painful either, thank goodness. lol Just slightly uncomfortable and quite bizarre feeling! Actually feels like my baby is gonna pop right out of my belly like a scene from alien }( b/c of the pressure the contraction creates! lol They also seem to create pressure on my bladder b/c every time one comes on I feel like I need to pee but once it goes away the urge to urinate goes away with it...

BTW-I didn't know that you could get these contractions so early on and not even feel them...that's neat!

Have a great work out!


I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm![/img]
I am the queen of BH contractions! Had them all through the last trimester with DD, and with this pregnancy, I've been having them since 20 weeks! To me, they feel like a tightening or hardening of the entire uterus. If I do anything that strains my body, like bend over to feed the cats or pick up my little girl when she's resisting :) I get a BH! My womb gets so tight, I just poke it in awe, and am amazed at how it feels like it is suddenly made out of stone. No, these don't hurt, just a very hard, tight feeling.
I'm currently 29 weeks along.


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