Bored at the gym


Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone could help me out with cardio boredom at the gym. I am recovering from a knee injury so I have to stick with really low impact cardio (i.e. the elliptical trainer) and have not been able to do Cathe step aerobics.

My problem is that the cardio machines at the gym are SO BORING compared to Cathe's step classes. I am finding that I am dreading doing cardio (something that I normally love). Does anyone have suggestions as to how to spice up routines on cardio machines???

To give some background, I have been doing 45 to 60 minutes on the machines, and I have done some interval training which helps pass the time, but I am even getting bored of that! Please help!
Aside from the usual reading magazines and listening to headphones, maybe you could listen to a book on tape. If you're working too hard and having trouble concentrating, you could listen to some lighter novels. The library in my rural area has quite a selection, so I imagine most other libraries do as well. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
Hhmmmm... Let's see... I haven't gone to the gym in ages, mind you, but I would think that you can go forward and backward on the elliptical trainer, right? So, maybe do intervals going forward for 20-30 min, then go backward to train different muscles for 10, then do a 5 min cooldown. I would also think that intervals would help to pass the time. I know that is what I normally do when I am on my bike, due to extreme boredom. Do you have a walkman? TRy some music. Maybe give a spinning class a try? Here's another thought, maybe you can do 20 min on one machine, then switch to another for 20 min, and then do another for 10 to cool down?
I'm just winging it here, so if you do all of these things already, sorry to be redundant. I hope that this helped a little.

Doing boring cardio machines with a partner helps to pass the time.

Reading books/magazines, listening to headphones, watching TV also helps.

Maybe try mixing up the machines too. Instead of doing 1 for 45 to 60 minutes -- do 1 for 30 and a different one for 30 or switch them up every 15 minutes.

You could also try some circuit training -- maybe 15 minutes on a cardio machine...then some endurance type weight training for upper body for a few minutes ... then back to the cardio machine for another 15 minutes and so on.

I hear you about the boredom though. I can barely bring myself to do cardio at the gym at all. I just love my Cathe cardio so much!

I agree with Shonie's suggestion about developing machine circuits, as well as machine plus resistance cycle circuits as well. If you can cop a couple of dumbbells to have with you in the machine area, you could even do something like this:

10 minutes elliptical
2 minutes compound weights (lower and upper body, a la Cardio + Weights or Circuit Max)
5 minutes stationary bike
2 minutes compound weights hitting different muscle groups, but maintaining lower/upper body protocol)
5 minutes treadmill
2 minutes compound weights
5 minutes elliptical
2 minutes compound weights
and so on.

Finish off with some ab work, and you've got a whole workout. If you incorporate lower body resistance cycles, your heart rate doesn't drop as quickly and you stay more in cardio mode.

I would suggest you try the partner or machine and/or resistance cycles first. Doing machines to music might also be an option, but you'd need to be judicious about music selection, making sure the tempo and the rhythm beat is compatible with the machine you select.

I would advise against reading, or even watching TV during machine use. These tend to be distracting, and you can compromise your form as well as your exertion level if you've got reading or TV going on at the same time.

Hope this helps

All great suggestions above but I wouldn't read while exercising. Anyone who is reading isn't working hard enough and isn't focused on what they are doing IMHO. :)
In order to see results you have to focus on a plan and have specific goals.
Trevor :)

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