Body For Life


New Member
I am just reading this book Body for Life - 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength. It recommends strength training 3X per week and cardio 3X per week. But the recommended Cardio is only 20 MINUTES! I have not started this program yet but I am already going through Cardio-Withdrawal just thinking about limiting myself to only 20 minutes. Has any one tried this program? Is 20 minutes enough for fat burning? The book contains many pictures with awsome results.
newbie program?

Sometime these books are geared for people who don't work out at all and the programs start out slow or small so as not to overwhelm the newbie.

Does the author mention slowly building the cardio time to more? I know when I first started to exercise, I told myself that I only had to do 20 minutes so that I would at least get my butt movin', and sometimes I did only do 20 minutes. But like you, I can't imagine doing only 20 minutes now.

I love reading different fitness books to get new ideas and motivation, but I also modify things so they work for me and my life style.

By the way, who is the author? I'll check it out next time I'm at the library.

The author is Bill Phillips. He claims that 20 minutes of interval training three times a week gives you enough cardio.
I read most of it

and don't recall him ever increasing the cardio, his emphasis is on intensity saying that is enough. I personally know for me it's not, but if you want to try the program you can improvise on that. I felt his emphasis was more on building muscle mass which would increase your metabolism and burn fat. I haven't tried the program, but I've heard great things about it (i.e. very motivational for people who need the extra push) and bad things (women who bulked up). For me I find 30-60 of cardio six times a week with either a split schedule for weight training (upper alternating with lower) to three times a week is perfect.

Stephanie :)

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