Body Fat Scales



I got a wild hair, and decided to buy one of those body fat scales last night. I've heard that they aren't all that accurate, but if you take a reading at approximately the same time each day, and are properly hydrated, you can track your bodyfat percentage.

Well, I'm terribly discouraged. I found that I am 25-26% bodyfat, and about 4 years ago, I tested at 22% bodyfat at the local college. I have been doing MUCH more strength work, and look MUCH better. I was more flabby when I measured at 22%. I actually have gained a couple of pounds, but I think I needed some muscle! I am 5'9" and weigh about 132 pounds. I look like a "marshmallow with toothpicks in it", to quote Susan P.

My daughter (who is skinny as a rail) tested at 16% bodyfat, so I thought maybe the machine is right??? She is 10 years old, and hasn't started developing anything anywhere at all.

Are those scales in any way, shape, or form, correct? Should I keep the thing?

By the way, I got a pair of digital calipers a couple of weeks ago, and I can't get them to measure anything consistently, so I gave up on those.

Thanks for any insight,

Sandi M.
Body Fat Scale

Hi Sandi!

My advise is to return that thing ASAP!! I have one and it is a constant source of ANNOYANCE to me. I wish I had taken my back before it was too late to return it. I spent over $100 on mine and it constantly flucuates. I can be 20% body fat on day and 17% the next. I have seen it change a point in a matter of minutes. The reading can be affected by where you are in your monthly cycle, how well you are hydrated and wether or not you are having a bad hair day. Okay, so the hair thing is not true. LOL!

I have read that consumer reports indicate these body fat scales are inaccurate. Really, if you think about it how can your body fat be MORE if you are in better shape now with less flab?? You will only make yourself crazy and depressed with this thing. Trust me, I speak from experience. If mine did not cost so much I'd fling it at the wall. Now when I get weighed I hurry up and hop off BEFORE it can give me a body fat reading.

Good luck in what ever you decided to do.

Take care,

Tammy Churchman
Yes, I've considered that.

I paid only 59.99 for it, and think I might take it back tomorrow night when we go back to that part of town. I had the same problem with the fluctuation of one point (that's why I said 25-26 percent!). It also seems sort of strange that it wants me to input my height, sex and whether I'm an adult or not. It seems that body fat is body fat, and it should be able to use weight only.....

Thanks for the advice,

Just think of all the videos you can buy for $60!! I could kick myself thinking about all the ones I could have gotten for that wasted $119.00!!!

Take care,

Tammy Churchman
Thanks Tammy

You just saved me alot of money also. I've been wanting to buy one of these and luckily have not been able to find one in my price rage. Now, I won't even bother. Yes! More videos


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