Body Fat Question....


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-02 AT 04:03PM (Est)[/font][p]After various rotations using primarily Cathe's tapes, I have yet to see the definition I would like in my body. I eat cleanly most of the time, so eating aside, I'm not sure which way to go with my workouts. Everyone's heard that adding cardio is good for fat loss and so is increasing muscle mass and that too much cardio can be detrimental to muscle gains. I've also read how some people will separate these two concepts and first do tons of cardio for fat loss and then do increased strength training for definition...I'm so confused!! I'm still continuing to increase the weights with each rotation I do so I know that my lack of progress isnt really b/c I'm not pushing myself. I'm currently doing a rotation doing PS CST & BBA in one day, MIS another day and then various Cathe cardios with one day of rest per week. My cardio is usually 4 times a week, but I've also done cardio 6 days a week and noticed no difference as well as cardio 3 times a week while on a Slow & Heavy rotation and noticed difference in body fat loss, though like I said I've continued to make strength gains. Any thoughts here ladies??? I've been working out for about 15 years, doing Cathe the last 4 years or so. I'm 5'2" and consider myself a medium-framed pear shape. Oh, I might add, I've tried running, but my joints didnt like it!

Thanks for any thoughts, suggestions, prayers!!

Hi Stacy!

Have you tried a rotation where you weight train each muscle group 3 times per week? I have recently had a lot of success with this approach.

I always thought 3 times per week would be too much weight lifting, but it really seems to be working, particularly for fat loss (resulting in more definition).

I am doing about three or four total hours of cardio each week on top of the weight lifting.

You may want to give it a try.

Good luck!
I had done a brief rotation eons ago it seems doing PH and/or Power Bar Training three times a week and at the time it seemed too much, but hey, I'm up for the challenge again. I was wondering if you could share your rotation with me. I could probably easily come up with my own, but I'm burnt out on my ideas. Also, do you max out on the weights you use each workout or do you do enough to just feel the burn?? Thanks!!

:) Stacy
Hi Stacy!
I have the same problem somewhat but I know the reason for mine. What do you mean by "most of the time?" It's kind of like saying, "I stay within my budget most of the time..." Pennies turn into dollars, and bites add up the same way...

Now if I would just listen to myself I would really lean out in a hurry!
Miz Connie, my question exactly. A food journal would be a good tool to put into use at this time. Eating is SO critical!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-02 AT 09:31AM (Est)[/font][p]I keep a strict food journal and have done so for about the last 7 months. I have one cheat day a week, the other 6 days I try to keep my calories from 1500-1800. By most of the time I mean that out of my 6 non-cheat days, I'd say 2 of them arent as great as I'd like them to be, meaning I ate too many calories (nothing over 3000!), I had dessert, etc. I know my diet is not perfect, but I just feel my less-than-perfect diet, isnt less than perfect enough to see this slow progression. I did go thru a period of 2 months earlier in the year where my eating was super strict and I did lose weight, but I also had no energy and I was hungry all the time. I'm just not sure what else to do.

Hi Stacy,

A few things came to mind when I read your posts:

Do you give a rotation enough time to work before you make a change?

Some of the rotations you've posted have been super challenging - maybe quality has suffered.

Are you mixing up cardio or just doing step? Variety is a plateau breaker.

Do you do an (or 2 max) interval workout each week?

I suspect you're burning plenty of calories. I don't know what you weigh, but 1500 calories might be too low especially if you're doing some of the super challenging workouts. It's tough to figure out! But if your intake is too low, your workouts suffer & you slow your metabolism. Even if the calories are in line - is it nutrient dense? You need the right fuel & nutrients to power a challenging workout schedule.

There's a lot of conflicting advice available. There is no one approach that works for all of us, even all of us pears! Personally I see the most definition when my cardio is high & my weight training on maintenance because my bodyfat drops.

One more idea since you're obviously frustrated. What type of fitness routine do you enjoy the most? It's summer - have some fun. Cover the basics but follow the plan you enjoy instead of the rotation du jour. Eat healthy, be consistent with whatever you decide & see where you end up on Labor Day. Just an idea.

I just want to add one thing that I find true for me. Five pounds makes a HUGE difference in my muscle definition. I know that if I let my eating slip and eat too many "junk" carbohydrates I get bloated and suddenly I look and feel fat and cannot see the muscle definition I like, especially my arms and abs.

I also know that everyone is different.

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-02 AT 05:29PM (Est)[/font][p]I'd been schlepping around trying darned near everything, and I must admit that in the last month I shook up my routine, not really intentionally, and it made a drastic difference.

I went from pretty much all high intensity cardio to low intensity, but a LOT of it. In addition, I got a Body by Jake Bun & Thigh Rocker and pretty much replaced my leg tape workouts with it. I actually lost about 5 pounds (which is VERY hard for me to do) and my legs got smaller.

The point of all this, is that I really charged what I was doing. We've heard all this any number of times before, but I'm a true believer now.

All this and I did NOT change my eating habits at all.

For what it's worth.
I am your story exactly!!

I really do believe that your body reaches a point where it is really fit and it REALLY fights dropping weight. For some reason, I have found that the more muscle I gain, the harder it is for me to stay lean. I know my diet is better than it was 6 months ago, but for some reason the added mass is added more like "bulk" than lean-looking, you know?? The calorie restriction is the same for me...if I eat 200 less calories a day, I will really feel it. I think it is because you are very healthy. Your body is resisting change and, even though you are not as defined as you wish you were, you are probably at a very healthy at which your body functions very efficiently.

"Dieting", and yes, I will call it this because that is exactly what it VERY HARD. It sometimes is also not the most healthful thing to do. We do it because we are driven to look different. I think if you are determined to lean down, you need to realize that there will be much discomfort involved in cutting your calories...and be prepared to lose a little muscle mass. Unless you plan on "leaning out" over the course of about a year or so, that is really inevitable to some extent.

Also, what may be of help...are you on birth control. I take depo-provera and I am much heavier on it...maybe not so much fat but my weight won't seem to go down much though. Just a thought.

I am exactly like you..always frustrated that it should not be so hard to get the body I want, but remember, the fitter you are, typically the less impressive results you see. Gain 50 pounds and then diet, and the weight will melt right off!!!! Good Luck, and if you find the "secret", let me know!!!! Janice
Hi Stacy!

What has worked for me was varying intensity. I used to do 1 weight training session/week & cardio 5-6 days/week - mostly Cathe and always step aerobics. When I started varying intensity, duration and different cardio workouts, my body responded immediately. I am already lean, but tend to carry all my fat in the midsection. When I switched to less cardio and more weight sessions I started dropping inches off my thighs, hips and abs. I make sure I try to mix up my cardio between walking, step, hi/lo, kickboxing, intervals, and circuit training. One week I may do hi/lo, step, and circuit training for cardio. And maybe next week intervals, hi/lo, and step.

When I did that it really made a HUGE difference. One week I would do 3 weight workouts and 2 cardios. The next week I would do 2 weight workouts and 3 cardios. I know it's hard to think that less cardio would make a difference, but it did for me. Of course everyone's body repsonds differently. I realized it's good to mix things up when my body stops responding. By adding different cardios I think my body works harder and I get less bored. HTH

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