Body Fat Monitor


I have an older Tanita scale but I'm hoping it's not accurate because it's telling me that I'm 41% body fat! Could this be right? I'm 5'6", 178 pounds, size 12...if that helps. I've been working hard and have gained muscle especially in my shoulders, back, hamstrings, and quads. But could I still have this much fat on me? I think that works out to be almost 73 pounds of fat!! Does anyone else have a Tanita scale? Do you think it's accurate? Mine does not have an athletic mode...just male or female.
I would check to make sure it was set up correctly. You could even reset it to make sure you enter age, sex, etc... this will give you a more accurate read.
bf monitor


I used to use a Tanita scale and found it to be way off as well. I use a hand held monitor now and it is pretty good. It wasnot tht expensive - about $35.
I have a Tanita scale, and I hope it's not right!! I'm 5'7 150 lbs and it says I have 31% body fat! I'm no skinny minnie, but geez! I'm guessing it's the scale, lol!
I used to have a Tanita and my stats with that scale were around 119lbs, 5'1" and between 22-24% BF (wearing a size 2). Even at my thinnest (114lbs) it still had my lowest BF at 19%. When that one died I got a Homedics and that one reads around 119lbs, and between 15.0 and 15.4% BF. Obviously, I prefer to think the Homedics scale is right;) but at this point I don't know what to believe.

Sooooo, long story short...try not to get too concerned with the actual number and try to watch for increases/decreases.
I have the same problem with my Tanita (2 actually). Although I do see it go down as I lose fat, it still seems high.

I'm 5'9", 148 pounds, and it says 28%.

Looks like I'm buying a Homedics! :)

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