Bleeding started last night... pray all is ok


Hi ladies,
Well yesterday after I worked out and a little house cleaning, I went to take a shower and noticed I was bleeding. I called the doctor's emergency number last night. The DR on call said as long as it didn't increase in flow that I could stay home for the night. I am to call the office this morning at 8:30 to come in for blood work. My scheduled u/s wasn't until next monday. They are going to get me one before that. Pray they can get me one today. I am so stressed and it doesn't help that this is my DH's spring break - nice way to "relax" huh. Thankfully the bleeding was only spotting. It went from red to brown to red yesterday. This morning it's less and back to brown which I understand means old blood. Soo, PRAY please all goes well. I'm so stressed but know this is all in the Lord's hands. I'll update later.

I will definitely pray for you and your little one. Let me tell you, when i was around 5-6 wks i also started bleeding. spotting with it being red to brown. from what i've read and from what my dr. has told me it can be pretty normal for that to happen. what she did have us do was refrain from intercourse until we hit our second trimester. she also did not do the papsmear until the second visit just to be safe. this happens to alot of pregnant women that have delivered healthy babies. i would definitely take it easy. if you've been doing high impact workouts- stop them. i stopped bleeding once i stopped my high impact workouts.
Good luck with our dr. visit!
Julie you are most definately in my prayers. I hope that everything is ok with the baby. Please let us know how you make out.
Julie, I'm certainly thinking of you! This is extremely stressful, no doubt! While it is useless to tell you "don't worry", it is a positive sign that you are not cramping (not that you mentioned, anyway). It is certainly extremely common for women to spot early on in (ultimately) healthy pregnancies; I hope that's your situation. This may simply be some old blood that accumulated in the uterus during implantation, and is now coming out, or something equally innocuous. Keep us posted!

Thanks everyone,
Well just went to the dr's office. They drew my blood to check Hcg, Progestrone and RH (+,-). The results should be in tomorrow, and depending on the results will depend if they up the u/s. ARGH, I do not want to have to way A WHOLE WEEK for an u/s, but it's not in my control. I'm bummed I'll have to back off on exercise for a while. I really don't know for how long. Good to hear from all of you. Oh an no, no cramping Thank The Lord!!! I border on fine to tears off and on. This baby took it's time coming, I just want it to stick around!
Julie, I wish I could be there to give you a hug, because I can completely relate to your situation. For us, this will be our last attempt at a baby, so the stakes are pretty high. It seems so unfair to us women who have to go through all this. A doctor tells you to "wait a week", which will fly by for them, but is an eternity to you. I understand why they do this, and I'm not saying they're being deliberately insensitive, but from the pregnant person's perspective, it is an excruciating wait. I personally vaccilate between periods of optimism and pessimism regarding this pregnancy. I've been bleeding old blood since early Saturday morning, and while I expected this to happen, it still stresses me out a great deal that I even have this blood in my uterus in the first place.

In all the reading and research I've done these past few weeks about early pregnancy bleeding, I've learned that women are more likely to bleed/spot in not-first pregnancies, without miscarrying (no explanation given). I've also learned that while miscarriage typically consists of bleeding and cramping, it appears that bleeding alone is extremely common; more common than miscarrying. If you are not cramping, then try to stay optimistic. If the blood is brown, you have even more reason to be positive. I just heard through a friend that her SIL, who is about the same time along as you, experienced light, brown spotting last week, and the doctor is not concerned about a miscarriage. The doc thinks it's old blood, and has recommended the same as your doc; taking it easy for a bit.

All the best,
Julie-I will be praying for you! I am 6 weeks along and know it would frighten me but I am so glad there are so many ladies here that know about this. I am so sorry that you have to wait until tomorrow for results-I hope today goes by quickly.

Take care of yourself and keep us updated.

Leigh Ann
Julie -
It is good that they are checking your progesterone level. I have had 2 m/c before 6 weeks & I believe it was due to low progesterone. They can put you on a suppository that will help boost the level. I was on that for this pg. & just finished them this weekend. I still had sporadic spotting (about once/week) until 7 weeks pg. I wish you the best. Will they have your results today?
The reason that they want you to wait until next week for your u/s is because you are probably not far enough along to see even the sac yet. By 6 weeks you should be able to see a lot more.
Good luck

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