Birth control and hypothyroid


Active Member
I am considering going off of birth control. I have been on it for about 13 years and am concerned with how long it will take me to get pregnant, how my body will react w/o it, what my periods will be like,etc...we are not going to try and conceive for a couple of years.

I'm also hypothyroid and recently visited my endocrinologist for a checkup. She asked me when am I going off the pill and when I do so she wants to see me right away to check my thyroid levels.

Here's my question. I've heard different responses from my OB/GYN, general dr, endocrinologist and women. Some say to get off the pill asap, some say don't get off of it until you're ready to conceive. I'm not sure what to do. Maybe this is just a matter of personal perference but my concern is my health.

Anyone have experience with this?

I'm hypothyroid, I went off the pill after my divorce. I felt no difference either physically or mentally & my synthroid dose stayed the same.

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