Billy Blanks?

Cardio Circuit 1. I have done it a million times, it is a fast and furious workout, and I swear that is why I lost 2" off of my waist.
Get Ripped the previous poster said it is killer!
Also Tae Bo Extreme...Uncomplicated step and kick boxing plus Billy makes me smile in that one!

Good. I know that you will like those videos. The reason I have done Cardio Circuit 1 so many times is because I can do it when I am tight on time. If you skip the streching at the begining and end (I know, I know, but sometimes you only have 25min window) you can get the workout done in 24 minutes and have worked up a good sweat. It is a simple routine and I have turned on all of my friends on to it. Especially the ones who are not coordinated enough to do Cathe.

I just finished tae bo get ripped advanced workout 1 and it kicked my butt. Now thats what I am talking about!!!!! forget turbo jam and all those other kickboxing workouts,this one will deliver results.
Glad you liked it! The total advanced live tapes are great too, but only on VHS. I will aslo recommend Fat Blasting's a good one too.

Stay away from the newer ones cause they aren't nearly as intense.
The Live Advanced Series is awesome as well. There are Vol. 1-12 and Original 1-3. The Original Adv. 1-3 are even more intense. I have them all and highly recommend them, but they are only on VHS. Volumes 1-4 are the easiest to find, and then they get harder to find and more expensive, but you can't go wrong with at least getting the 4 pack.

Some of the Advanced Live workouts (6, 8, 10?, 11). Get Ripped Advanced.
I don't do much Tae Bo any more. Too repetitive. Too much counting.

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