BFL Checkin 1/21/05


Morning everyone,

Boy I am tired again today but at least it is Friday. My legs are on fire right now. I did PLB up only (went 50 lbs on squats and plies) and then I did gliding and sliding. I slide while Mindy is doing the cardio portion and then I join her on the discs when she gets to them. It was a great leg workout but wow I can feel it now and it has only been a couple of hours.

I went and did a little no-no last night at dinner. Hubby ordered some brocoli bites and I had a few. They were really good though. I did have a big salad with grilled chicken as my main meal.

Today looks like this:

B - english muffin w/ lf cream cheese/ricotta mix, 2 hb eggs
S - cheese, 2 hb eggs
L - chicken soup
S - BFL bar
D - have absolutely no clue

I am hoping to see a change tomorrow (Saturday is my weigh in day). I know people say not to use a scale but I do just to gage myself. For some reason I feel fat today and not sure why. Guess I will drink my water and hope that helps.

I need to get to the grocery store tomorrow to get some food but with this storm coming across is may not happen, all depends on how much snow we get. Right now they are predicting 3-6" which is really nothing so I can still go. If we get more, that may be another story.
It all depends on if the storm stays on track and stays south of us or turns a little north.

Hope everyone has a nice day. Now I don't check on weekends so I won't be posting a thread but will be back on Monday. If I don't stop back, have a great weekend everyone.

Good morning,

I have a big holiday party to go to tomorrow, and a slightly tight dress to fit into! so eating today will be very clean! (i hope)

s - coffee, prunes
b - egg whites w/ spinach and feta, small WW tortilla, V8
l - spinach salad w. tons of vegies
s - sweet potato
d - mango protein shake

happy friday everyone!
Good Morning,

TGIF! finally =)

Rhonda - Way to go on 50 pounds, you go girl! I am sure you are retaining water in your muscles if you are that sore, drink some extra water today to flush it out - good luck at weigh in!

Lbeach - Have fun at the party!

Today I did my HIIT. I pushed extra hard at the end ant did 8.0 on the treadmill. I like to keep pushing myself to see what I can do, hopefully I don't land on my face one day, LOL.

My eating will be clean:
B- Oatmeal & eggbeaters
S - MRP Shake
L - Chicken & fruit & broccoli
S - CC & Fruit or a protein shake
D - We are going out but I will order a sandwich
S - BFL bar

I weigh in tomorrow I hope the scale is nice and like you Rhonda I shouldn't rely on it but I do like to see it moving in the right direction too =)

Have a Great Day / Weekend!
Laura :)
Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's

Slept in this morning, so no workout. Sat will be ME and then Sun will be Circuit Max.

B - soy protein cereal with 1% milk and blueberries
L - animal crackers and banana (a vending machine lunch)
S - BFL bar
D - soup

Went to the doctors today for a check up, and let's just say that the scale and I are not happy with each other.

Have a great weekend everybody. We are supposed to get a bunch of snow.

Shopgirl :)
All: I did BFL 4 years ago and had great results, but have not been able to stick with it. When I see what you have listed as what you eat in a day, it looks really low on calories.. do you have a calorie range you like to stay in? I always read that under 1200 a day will put your metabolism in shut down mode. Would love to get back on BFL and actually do it seriously again.

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