BFL Check - In 1/18/05


Morning BFLers

Hope everyone is having a good day.
This morning I did 30 minute HIIT on the bike, Power Hour abs, and Candlelight Yoga 15 minute energizer

B - English muffin w/egg salad
S - cheese, lf triscuits
L - tuna casserole, carrots
S - BFL bar
D - either spaghetti & Meatballs or Taco Pasta Salad (both from EFL cookbook)

Hope everyone is doing well on BFL.

What are others doing for exercise? I am doing HIIT three days a week and one lower, one upper and a full body routine the other three days. I also throw in yoga in the evenings. The strength workouts are Cathe. I know the routine I am doing isn't BFL but so far I see it working for me so I am going to stick to it. I also add in gliding/sliding 2-3 days a week as an added bonus for the lower body, since that is my main problem.

Morning Rhonda!!!!

B: lean ham, oatmeal w/splenda & cinnamon, coffee, water
S: shake and an orange
L: chicken breast, broccoli & wildrice
S: BFL bar
D: Haddock, scallops, barley and veggies
S: ff cottage cheese w/ff yogurt

Yesterday was LB so today is either UB or cardio. It always depends how busy it is at the gym and what machines are available. I only have 45 minutes to get in and out of there so I have no time to wait around for machines. I really want to do cardio b/c I have a busy night ahead of me and I doubt that I will have time to work out again. I have to take my son to the doctor's and that is always at least an hour or longer ordeal - sheesh!!!

Yesterday I did a unique workout. I followed the BFL book for LB. Did the leg press/leg extensions/hamstring curls at the gym; then at home I did Cathe's warm up and lunges from Strong Legs; then did squats and calve work from the BFL book and finished up with abs + stretch from Strong Legs. It was a good workout.

I'm going to measure next week to see if I"m losing anything at all.

Have a great day all!

5:30 am Bootcamp

B - soy protein cereal with blueberries, 8 oz milk with Whey Protein powder, coffee, water
S - protein shake, pear
L - chicken, salad
S - BFL bar
D - sausage, pasta
S - milk

I am following the Jan rotation pretty closely since it is very similar to the BFL schedule. When they differ, I do whatever is scheduled for BFL. So far after 3 weeks of being pretty faithful to this program, I'm not seeing any results. Plan on hanging in there though.

Good Morning,

Today was my upper body workout, I did PUB.
I need to focus more on my breathing, I think it will help with my headaches.

Here is my food for the day:
B - Oatmeal & Eggbeaters
S - Shake
L - BLT wrap
S - Fruit and Cottage Cheese
D- Burritos or Enchiladas
S - Yogurt & Cottage cheese or Butterscotch Bliss

I am following the BFL book as close as I can but I am using Cathe's workouts except on my HIIT days.

Have a Great Day!

Laura =)
Here is a link to my before & after photo's
Hello Everyone!

I'm not following BFL exactly, I've cut out all meat except fish. So far i've had Excellent results, and have lost 4 lbs in the past 2 weeks without ever feeling hungry or weak during workouts! (and i've had 1 piece of GOOD chocolate every day) So, i want to share in hopes of helping the rest of you have some luck too! :)

s - coffee
b - WW eng muff, egg+2 whites, lf cheddar, V8
s - 1 chocolate truffle:9
l - roasted red pepper, spinach, cucumber, lf cheese on WW bread
S - strawberry banana protein shake
d - black eyed peas, brown rice, broccoli

Good luck everyone, "see" you tomorrow!


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