BFFM Questions


I just downloaded and had the book printed. Very informative and will take me a while to get through it. Wanted to ask if anyone would post your daily meals so I could get a better idea. I don't want to eat chicken 3 times a day.

Thank you,
Hi Dawn,

I just started reading BFFM too on the advise of my Bootcamp Instructor. I'm on Chapter 3. Since November I have been incorporating more protein into my diet and have cut down on complex carbs. I have started eating egg whites for breakfast and will usually take along some hardboiled eggs for a snack during the day. I have been eating more chicken but have also added salmon to my diet. I buy the single servings that come in a pouch and have about 26 grams of protein. I usually put the salmon on a whole wheat pita, sprinkle on some cheese and put in under the broiler for a couple of minutes. I'm also snacking on dry roasted edamame that has 14 grams of protein per serving and is low in fat. It's a great crunchy snack. I'm not a big beef eater anymore but I may try some steaks from a company that has lower fat steaks (2 grams of fat) and I will also eat buffalo from time to time. I also will have veggie burgers and a protein drink in a pinch although I'm really trying to get my protein through natural sources.

I actually started this as an experiment and have actually seen some changes in my body. People keep asking me if I have lost weight and I do feel more lean.

I hope this helps you a little bit. I'm still learning myself and exploring other options for meals and snacks.
Hi, Dawn. I love BFFM; I've been on this program since October and feel so much better. Yes, chicken does get quite boring to eat and I do eat a lot of it. But I must say that it's been totally worth it to eat clean (when Big Red comes to town, it's really nothing). Follow his basic principle when it comes to meals. Always have a lean protein, a complex carb and a starchy carb. I've included some of my meals below. According to the formula, I should be eating 1800 cal/day so the meals below reflect that. Each meal is approximately 50% carb, 30% protein and 20% fat. Some days are 40% carb, 40% protein and 20% fat. An easy way to get your protein is whey protein powder. Adding a scoop of protein to steel-cut oats or oatmeal makes a great breakfast. Here are more ideas:


tuna burgers - there are tons of recipes for these. check out for more ideas

egg salad sandwich (3 egg whites, 1 egg, ff mayo)on whole wheat see link below

grilled flank steak
brown rice

chili made with x-lean ground beef, canned beans & salsa

chicken with mushrooms (shiitake, white, etc) I can post recipe if it sounds good)
whole wheat pasta
green beans

shrimp pad thai


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