Best weight loss home workout DVD’s?


New Member
Hi all,

Newbie in the home workout scene. (Hopefully this is the right sub) Unfortunately im not able to afford going to the gym right now.

I’m normally a Fitbit freak (will start wearing it again from Monday) and on average I burn about 2100 calories a day without going to the gym and d usps tracking o around 15,000 steps a day. When I was going to the gym and strictly doing cardio there I burnt about 2600 calories for the day in total.

My plan is to go down to 1200 calories a day and do a home workout dvd as I have no clue what workouts to do at home. For now I would persona showbox lly rather stick on a dvd and follow that rather than download a range of clips and click through the ones to do.

Does anyone have any home work out DVD’s / download streams they recommend that I could follow. Hopefully ones that you got good results from please?! I don’t mind it incorporating weights. I Really want something that’s going to help me work up a sweat. I’m not a complete beginner fitness wise but not at an insanity expert level yet.

Thank you!
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Hi & Welcome!

Cathe has advanced and intermediate workouts to download, purchase on a disc, or stream - all bases covered. She also posts rotations to follow covering a range of goals. For instance, this month's rotation (April 2021) is an updated "Rock Bottoms" rotation. You might try her streaming service for a month and choose a rotation to follow - check out the coupons and deals pages before purchasing. Most all Cathe's advanced and intermediate workouts will help you work up a sweat.

Since you mention weight loss as a goal - Here's one of her more advanced series:

"Ripped with HIIT combines three solid heavy weight workouts (on three separate DVDs), four solid cardio-based HiiT high-intensity workouts (on two DVDs), and two circuit Hiit workouts (on two DVDs). Why all the focus on HiiT training? Studies suggest that HiiT training is great for weight loss and is better at burning fat than other forms of cardiovascular training. Researchers believe this is because the body is unable to really predict what you're going to do and, therefore, has a harder time going into what is known as steady-state where its easy to conserve energy (calories). Another contributing factor is that HiiT revs up your metabolism, increasing the rate at which your body consumes oxygen for up to 24 hours after your workout (the afterburn effect you've heard Cathe talk about so many times before)."

So that's one option ... but there are plenty more. Hope you find something you enjoy and is effective. I don't think you can go wrong with any of Cathe workouts. They are well-researched, safe & effective, IMO.
The only other advice I could add to Debinmi excellent response is that if you don't have experience in working out at a higher intensity while reducing calories that you allow your body time to adjust by lowering your intake slowly.

A quick drop in calories with a sharp up tick in activity can be awfully brutal and hard to sustain.

Happy exercising!
Excellent point Lady Vol Fan! My body could not sustain on 1200 calories AND do an advanced month-long rotation. I would be exhausted and hate it & probably quit it after a week or two. Everyone's different, but for me, at this stage of my life and fitness journey - exercise does not affect weight loss much ...nor does calorie counting so much .. it's more about the composition of those calories & when I consume them.

Even so, 1200 calories ain't much, no matter the workouts. So I agree with Lady Vol Fan & be sure to fuel & hydrate your body well if you follow this plan.
I believe she meant she is going down to trying to burn 1200 daily rather than the 2600 kcals she did at the gym.
At least I'm really hoping so cause 1200 isn't sufficient energy and will only leave your endocrine system damaged.
Hmmm, I don't think I could burn 1200 calories in an exercise session even when I did long-distance bikinig or x-country skied for a day. Maybe an elite athlete could ... I don't know.
It's all about the nutrient composition and consistent activity level for me at this stage in my life. Timing during the day isn't as important for either for some reason for me. Exercise still has an impact but needs to be consistent, quality movements to promote strength, balance, and mobility.

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