Best Cathe for immediate postpartum period. CTX?


Active Member
Hi! What Cathe DVDs did you use immediately (6 weeks) after having your babies? I'm due on Sept 6, and I'm thinking I should order them now. I don't have CTX but I see some people used that. Should I get them? I have the new beginner/intermediate DVDs. But I only did them a few times before being struck by the flu and then late pregnancy exhaustion! I've only been walking these last couple of months for exercise.


Making it a little easier on you all...

Should I get the Intesity series? The Timesaver DVD, or CTX?

I'm sure I'd have to work up to the Intensity series, but I could take it slowly.

What gives me the most bang for the buck, and will get me back in shape, while not having long stretches of free time to exercise?
Hi there,

I'm only in the first trimester of my pregnancy, so I am not speaking from recent experience here, only with what I plan to do for myself in a few months time. The CTX series is a great series, particularly if you don't have a lot of time to exercise. However, the cardio segments are at a pretty fast BPM, and include a lot of intense moves in order to accomplish alot in only 30 minutes or so. Based on how I felt after I had my first daughter 4 years ago, I consider CTX to have too much intensity for the immediate postpartum period (LOTS of power 7s, double-ricochets, plyo-jacks, jumping jacks, airborn jumps, power scissors, etc). I'm remembering how weak my pelvic floor was after having my baby, and how that kind of impact would have been intolerable at the time. Having said all that, CTX's All-Step is a terrific, rather easy, mostly lo-impact step workout without a lot of intense moves, until the "blast" at the very end.

I would suggest that you get the Body Blast DVD series, if you don't already have it, because her workouts in that series are super flexible, allowing for a very wide range of fitness levels - each DVD has so many premixes ranging in length from 20 minutes to 2 hours. The TimeSaver DVD would be a great alternative if you don't want to get the whole BB series. IMO, the BB series is also her most fun. It would allow you to gently acclimate your body back into aerobic workouts, while also giving you more advanced workouts when you feel ready for them.

I've preordered the HardCore series, and anticipate using it to help motivate me to get back into shape after this baby is born at the end of March. However, I anticipate that I will have to modify, modify, modify for a while, and will probably also go back to Cathe's classics, such as Step Jam and Power Max, done on a 4 or 6" step, probably taking out the impact. Any workout would suffice, really, as long as you listen to your body and keep your expectations at the beginning very low.

Best of luck with your new baby!!!

I was 6 weeks pp this past Wednesday and am in my 3rd week of the CTX series. It has been so long since I used the Intensity series, and I am drawing a blank on the Timesavers (which I just used a few months ago).

Sandra brought up some good points regarding the CTX series. Your pelvic floor muscles nay not tolerate this series in the immediate pp. I haven't had any problems... even with the hi/low... but every woman has a unique pregnancy and recovery.

Good luck and take care!
Just a thought--in my 5 postpartum experiences I have always had an increase of bleeding when I did any cardio type workout except walking. However, weight training never caused a heavier flow. Not sure why this is, but I took it as a sign to focus more on weight work for a while. Go easy on yourself no matter what workout plan you have--just giving birth and nursing and enjoying your newborn could be all the activity you need for a while. I had no idea how tired I would be after my first baby was born--even making supper seemed like a high impact activity at first. Kids are SO worth it though!
I am 6.5 months postpartum and would definitely say CTX is the way to has the best variety with the benefit of being a timesaver.

Timesaver (from the Body Blast series) is also good, but if you must choose only one, I would go with CTX.

I had a severe c-section and started walking 6 weeks postpartum and light cardio around 8 weeks. I did not experience any bleeding....just take it easy. Going slow in the beginning may seem a little "wimpy" for a seasoned exerciser but you MUST listen to your body after giving birth.

Be very careful of when you start to work your I said earlier, LISTEN to your body.

I am now within 2 pounds of my goal weight....!

Getting back in shape after pregnancy can happen...just requires dedication!

Cardio Queen

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