Belly Belt


I am going into my 27 week of pregnancy...and my belly is really starting to feel strained when I excercise and I am starting to panic. Excercise is the only thing that makes me feel human. Has any tried this belly belt thing? Does it help?

Thank you!
I'm currently 23 weeks and have been using a maternity belt for my morning runs for the past two weeks. I'm very happy with it - it supports my belly and seems to prevent that constant "gotta pee" feeling I had prior to wearing it. You should definitely check it out.

The belt I use is the cheap one from Motherhood that's only $15. It took me a couple of tries to figure out the right position for it, so if it doesn't feel good right away make sure it's not too tight or too high. I wrap mine so it's just above my hipbones on the sides and very low in the front.

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