Basement air conditioning?


Well I have officially lived in my house for about a year. Last year I considered buying a portable a/c for my basement gym, but since summer was half over when I moved in I just kind of put it out of my mind.

Now I'm halfway into my 2nd summer there & I'm kinda dying down there! I have a dehumidifier but it's just not doing the job. I'm once again considering the portable a/c, but they're so expensive. Any thoughts on it, & any other suggestions re. how to cool my basement?
Do you have central air to the rest of your house? If so, it probably wouldn't cost very much to have an HVAC guy (or gal) come and run a few air ducts and registers to your basement. If not, then your only other option is probably a window-mounted or portable A/C unit. Window-mounted would be cheaper, for sure - but not all basements have windows that can accomodate A/C units. The next best thing, which is a pretty big step down, is a big huge fan. It's better than nothing! :)
Nope, no central air. My house is about 100 years old (which is one of the things I love about it!). I can't even imagine the cost of installing central air (although installing it on the 2nd floor only is an option for the future).

I have a big turbo fan, but it's still pretty uncomfortable down there when the temps go over 90.

A traditional window unit would be too big for my basement window. That's why I'm considering the portable--and if it's portable enough I'd probably use it in my BR too since my upstairs unit is in the hall window--it works OK but I like my sleeping area to be icy cold. ;-)
How long does a portable a/c unit last? We have the window a/c units in our 100 y/o house. We have had one for 7 years and it is still going strong. The cost of the portable might not be so much if they last!?! AND since it will be able to do double duty for you - workout and sleeping more comfortably.

Just a thought! :)

I exercise in my garage and the heat is cooking me :p We're having a heat wave in California...temps up to 110. I've had to get up 2 hours early every morning to get my workouts in. Between the smoke in the air and the extreme heat I keep expecting a man with a pitchfork to jump out yelling welcome to hell! }( HA HA

I'm in need of some kind of a/c also but don't want to waste my money on something that doesn't work. I'm interested in recommendations also.
>>Between the smoke in the air and the extreme heat I keep
>expecting a man with a pitchfork to jump out yelling welcome
>to hell! }( HA HA
That was so funny! The visual is great! Thanks for the laugh :+

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