Barry's Boot Camp


Active Member
I caved and bought Barry's Boot Camp and the Squeeze....Just wondered how others are using Barry's Boot Camp in a rotation. I'm horrible at this. Are you doing cardio daily and working one or two body parts per day? Any suggestions would be really helpful...thanks so much.

There's a rotation at the Rotation forum posted that uses BBC and I think Squeeze as well, you could use that as a base.
I haven't done a BBC rotation yet (just picking and choosing workouts as I go along), but if I did, I'd do one of the following rotations (assuming you want to use all of the BBC workouts in a week):

Day 1: Chest and abs
Day 2: Shoulders and Back
Day 3: Butt and Legs
Day 4: Arms and Abs
Day 5: off or other cardio
Day 6: Full Body
Day 7: off/stretch

Or (a slight variation):
Day 1: Chest and abs
Day 2: Butt and legs
Day 3: Shoulders and Back
Day 4: Arms and Abs
Day 5: Off or other cardio
Day 6: Full Body
Day 7: off/stretch
i know this is off topic but i was curious if its really ok to be using so many risers in the cardio portion. in the past it was mentioned not to go over 10". my foot injury may be because of all the walking i do in sales and stepping-more pressure on your feet the higher you go.

I just do the videos in order and take a rest/stretch day and repeat.

Good question about the risers! I only have two for each side, was debating about buying more since they use four on each side in the workouts, but I am quite worked up with just two!
I've been doing:
M: Arms & Abs
T: Butt & Legs
W: Chest & Abs
Th: Shoulders & Back
F: Rest
S: Full Body
I'm just getting back to it after a long illness and I'm not at 100% and having to modify the cardio A LOT. I'm loving this series right now.
That video really kicked my butt. I think you have to work up to that many risers....I did cardio and arms last night and my entire body hurts. I though that there was no way I could do another video today until at the end he says something about soreness being worked through and that it shouldn't stand in your way. Tonight, I will venture on.
Well, I did Arms and Abs today and I tried it with four risers. My, oh my. :eek: The cardio portion where he has you jump on the step and squat into it - I had to skip most of the second round on that move, that is tough! I was just hoping to make it to the top without face planting it.

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