I hate to sound like a parrot who only knows one word, but I can't help but make a suggestion. If you do have a recurring back problem, as I did from the time I was 15 years old until a year ago, you might want to seriously think about an anti-Candida route. That's a symptom that is extremely common when you have an inner yeast imbalance, crazy as it sounds. When those parasites flourish and set up shop in your body, they burrough into tissues all over, and the result can be things like allergies, muscle aches and pains, tendons and ligaments that are weaker and more likely to tear, digestive problems, etc. It's like a domino effect and certain people will be more prone to some symptoms than others.
I just want you to think about it because I'm telling you, in the year since I embarked on my internal balancing and cleansing to correct a candida condition, I haven't had a single bad back day, not even a sore PMS lower back day! That's remarkable. Over the last 15 years I can't tell you how many days I was immobile from my back "going out" and all along it was because of something that seems completely unnconnected. Your case could be different, but I just want you to have every option for relief, permanent relief, available to you.
But in the meanwhile, just know that you won't lose any level of fitness in just the couple of weeks (max) it takes to get back on your feet and working out again. I've been there so many times, but keep in mind it's all psychological. You tend to start viewing your workouts as therapy and you feel so proud and confident when you're done, and then suddenly that outlet is gone. But it's only for a short time and your body needs that recovery time. Don't beat yourself up, just be proud that you and that body of yours are able to do so much.
Take care.